Writers block and Plagiarism

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Hello Wattpad! I am actually really excited to talk about these subjects today. It’s not really something that people talk about because then they would be a hypocrite. I know that all of us have gone through this one time or another. I bet that most of you know what I’m talking about. And that would be the horrible disease of writers block.

Yes, I’m calling it a disease because some books live while others die. I can guarantee you that there will be at least one point as an author where you encounter writers block. Some books will survive the bump in the road while others will fade or die.

For the beginners, writer block is, to put it in simpler terms, a period in time where you are stuck in how to continue your book or story. I will admit that I have dealt with writers block multiple times and some of the books have died while others I continued to write.

Some writers block can be cured while others cannot. Personally, I believe that there is writers block because we have just simply lost the inspiration. When I look at my book and see that I only a hundred reads I automatically put myself down and make myself believe that I am not a good writer. But that’s not the case. I just tell myself that I don’t write books to please others but I write books for myself. I don’t write books to get a million reads (although that would be nice), but to share what I love to do with other people. That’s usually how I cure my writers block. Sometimes. Other books weren’t meant to go anywhere.

If that doesn’t work than I listen to music. And I don’t mean put your headphones in for a few hours. I mean listen to music and hear to the lyrics. There is always that one song that I find the most inspiration from. My favorite song right now is Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade. A friend once told me “Music is the musical version of writing and English”. There is a story behind every lyric, just like in a book. Some people say that their story has nothing to do with their “real life”. But you won’t have a good book unless you put your own thoughts and experiences into it.

I’m not trying to be a hypocrite but I don’t believe in some writers block. The writers block that I just can’t seem to grasp is the author who has a book with a million reads and they are like “Got writers block. Got no inspiration :/” There is your inspiration right there! If I had a million reads, I would be writing chapters like there was no tomorrow! But I don’t and I am okay with that. But seriously, I hate it when those types of authors say that. They shouldn’t take what they have for granite.

Another random piece of writing advice I can give you is to make your book your own. Sure, you might have the same classic fall-for-your-best friend or rejected-by-your-mate cliché’s, but no one will have the same characters, settings, or personality as your story does. Unless you plagiarize which is a big NO-NO, especially on Wattpad.

Plagiarism is a big deal anywhere but it is definitely not okay here on the internet. It’s basically fraud and you can get in a lot of trouble and in some cases be arrested. So, to summarize this all up before I go overboard and write ten pages on this subject, DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Okay? Okay. ^.^

So I’m going to put the song Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade on the side. This song is where I find most of my inspiration and if it helps, I hope that it will help you find your inspiration! Because every time I hear this song I want to cry. I had to listen to this song at least a hundred times before I really understood the true meaning of it. Gaaah, I need to stop gushing and ranting about this song so you can go listen to it.

Alright, so until the next time I update (which should hopefully be soon). Please comment if not your opinions on my chapter than on that awesome song. Have an awesome day/ night!


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