Chapter Twelve

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"She should be over any minute now."

I open the door for Elena and invite her in. "Stefan told me he wanted to tell me something, but I don't understand why it couldn't wait until tomorrow." She seems confused. "He's in the library."

"Elena, I was just finishing my essay with Iradessa and she told me to call you to told you how I felt." He breaks to laugh and I realize that I should probably leave the room at this point.

I meet Damon in the halls. "This is pretty awkward." He says. I nod. "Yup" I say, popping the 'P'. "Do you think he's done?" Damon shakes his head. "How do you know?" He points to his ear. Ohhh yeah. I'm dumb.

They come out together, "Excuse us, we'll be going out to dinner now." Elena tells. "It's Monday night," Stefan gives me the 'don't ruin it look', "I mean, have fun!" I say as cheerful as I can manage.

The second they leave, a freak storm starts. "It looks like a hurricane." Damon says, coming in with a glass of red liquid. "Fantastic. I love how the weather people warned us." I roll my eyes way too much. I've got to stop doing that. "It looks like we're stuck here, what do you want to do?" I ask and a devilish smile forms across his lips and spreads to his eyes. "You could sing to me?" He raises his eyebrows. "In your dreams, how about we watch a movie?" He sighs. "That's too boring. I can never make it to the end." This is impossible. "We could play a game." I suggest, "That sounds murderous." Damon states. I shake my head, "What? No, it's not murderous. How would it sound even remotely murderous" I'm not a murderer. "Well, you're a siren and I'm a vampire, both our kind kills" He weighs the odds of us going out murdering together, which is a zero odd chance. "I was thinking of like Truth Or Dare, or Secrets, or Never Have I Ever, what do you think?" He considers it. "Fine, I guess so."

We end up playing Never Have I Ever, so I start, since Damon doesn't know the rules. "So, I'll say 'Never have I ever....' and then you say 'I have' or 'I haven't'. Got it?" He nods. "Never have I ever killed someone." Damon smirks cheek to cheek. "I have, but you already know that. And I can kill you too." He does his weird eye thing were he moves his eyebrows up and down in a seducing manner. "If you wanted to kill me, you would've already. Plus, my blood is posiness to you. "Aren't I special" He says sarcastically. "Anyways, it's my turn now. Never have I ever told a lie." I smile, "I've never told a lie, but that makes me a liar." A huge grin forms on his face.

"This isn't a fun game, lets play Secrets now." Damon says, raising his eyebrows. "You'll go first." He states, without letting me have a say in it, but I'm okay with that. "I don't believe in God." I say calmly. "That makes two of us." He says while taking a huge gulp out of his red stained glass. "My turn...." He takes a moment. "I miss being human." I instantly feel sorry for him, "And I don't need your pity." He's back to being himself. "It's okay to miss something like that, being human must have been great." I say and walk over to the seemingly always strong boy, and give him a soft hug.... and this time, he hugs me back. "Thanks, Iradessa." He sincerely smiles. "No problem, and you can just call me Dessa." Damon hugs me one last time before Elena and Stefan come in to tell us that the storm calmed down.

"I'll walk you home." Damon suggests, but I shake my head. "I can do it on my own." He locks eyes with me. "I'm trying to help. You look like a dog with a broken leg when you walk. I'll walk you home." He re-enforces. "Fineeee." I say and he skips in front of me.

I slowly get up from the couch, but stumble and collapse onto the ground. "I'll just carry you." And, just like that, he lifts me and starts to walk me home. "Damn girl, you're light as hell." I never knew hell was light. "Add four hundred pounds when I'm in my tail." His mouth forms a perfect little O. "You should tell your teachers and stuff that you broke you knees or something like that so you don't have to walk all that much." Why haven't I thought of this before? I nod.

He walks me to my front door and says goodbye to me, knowing that my mother would lose it if he walked me inside.

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