Beauty guru

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Applying makeup can be very hard for some, like for Beginners. Most of us go out and buy all this makeup and don’t know what to do with half of it, or apply it absolutely wrong. You're probably asking “can you even do that?” well the answer to that question is “yes, you can”. Have you been out and about, and see the girls that walk around with this makeup line on their jaw line? Trust me I know I have, it's like you can tell where their makeup ends, we don’t want to walk out the house like that, trust me. It only takes 5 more minutes to blend that makeup. Even well known Beauty Gurus started from the bottom, so today I will be telling you the Right way and the Wrong way to apply makeup and the way makeup is applied.

Step 1: Moisturizer- Moisturizer is a foundation that keeps your face moisturize during the summer, the best moisturizer to buy, would be one with a high SPF (Refer to Beauty Guru Issue 1) *Wrong  Way:  When applying Moisturizer don’t just apply it to one spot, like the spots that tend to dry out the most. * Right Way: The Right way to apply a moisturizer,  is to squeeze a generous amount onto the back of your hand and apply it to the face, by taking your pointer finger and putting small dots on your face. Some people prefer to blend with their hand, If you want you could do that or you could simply buy a Makeup Sponge Blender $1.49-$2.87.

Step 2: Foundation- Just like a Moisturize but with some differences, a Foundation is the product that you put on after you apply your moisturizer, just like your moisturizer, you want a foundation that has a high SPF. During the summer you will notice that you will need to have SPF in your makeup. •               Wrong Way: Going to buy a Foundation that is to light and to dark is an automatic no… no… applying it to your face without blending it will just show the lines on your jaw bone that I was talking about. •     Right Way: Apply Foundation with Makeup pads, or a Elfs. Foundation Brush , you can get makeup pads and a foundation brush from your local Dollar Store for just $1.00 each. When you apply the foundation, make sure to blend it on down your face, under your neck and on your neck so it doesn’t look like you just slapped a face mask on. 

Applying Eye liner is really what ever makes you happy, some people like to apply eyeliner with a thick line and extremely dark and others apply it with a thin line. So whatever makes you happy.  For lips the best way to apply, is to make sure your lips are moisturize then follow with your choice of other lip products, remember to stay on the lips :)

D.I.Y Eyeshadow- This is a really simple and easy eye shadow that you can make with things at home. Sometimes when you buy eye shadows, they're not that pigmented. Don’t worry I'm going to tell you how to turn the powder eye shadow into a pigmented cream eye shadow. Step 1: choose the color of eye shadow you want to use, scrape it into a bowl or plate. Step 2: take a small amount of petroleum jelly/ Vaseline , I re type, Vaseline not Gasoline…  Mix the petroleum jelly with the eye shadow product.  If you have extra virgin olive oil add a little you can even use Vitamin E oil. When it turns into a creamy substance you will have your cream eye shadow. Try it out do a comparison test and see which one is more pigmented.

Good look on your Makeup, you will be a pro in no time. If you have any questions fill free to ask. :)

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