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The Conjuring The movie was released on the 19th of July 2013; it is classified as a horror/thriller. The movie has a high rating of 8.1/10 on IMDB. It has been directed by James Wan, and has famous celebrities starring in it like the Ukrainian-American actress Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson who acted in the science fiction movie “Prometheus”. “The conjuring” revolves around two investigators who try to help out a family that says they feel a dark presence in their farm house. A lot of effort has been put in making the movie and it is definitely one worth watching. Unfortunately, the movie is rated R for violence and terror scenes. Which means it’s only targeted for mature and adult audience. If you intend to watch the movie then prepare for a sleepless night!!

                                          Epic Epic is a 3D animation/adventure movie, it has been released on the 24th of May 2013.The movie was directed by Chris Wedge who also directed two famous animation movies “Ice age” and “Robots”. Characters in the movie were voiced by celebrities such as “Blake Anderson” and “Aziz Ansari”. It is a PG rated movie and has a rating of 6.7/10 on IMDB. It would be perfect if your gather around with your friends or family, grab a soda and watch the movie. Here is the movie’s official website if you would like to check it out ----------->

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