chapter 5

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Natsu came crashing right into Lucy.

"Hey watch where you going blondie!" He yelled.

Laxus, Freed, Bickslow, and everyone else came over in shock to see what had just happened.

"Why don't you stop flying through wall and slamming into people!" She yelled sending a huge charge of energy out. Everyone knows that you never tick off a dragon slayer.

Most of the guild fell to the ground from that much magic but some where still standing, just a little uneasy.

"You don't want to get me mad. You just might get hurt." He said not seeming to feel the power that she was producing. I swear he's so dense that he could be on fire and never know.

Lucy stuck out her tongue showing her guild mark.

Natsu just stood there. "So you're the younger sister of Bicks? Huh. You're cuter than people have said." He stated.

Bickslow didn't like how salamander was hitting on 'HIS' little sister.

He started walking up to him pulling off his helmet but Lucy put her hand up.

"Now now big brother let's not do anything we'll regret. Let me handle this." She spoke.

"Fine!" He said.

"Is that a threat blonde?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah it is. Now why don't you just stop running your big mouth before I shut it for you." She said.

"IM ALL FIRED UP NOW!!" He said taking the first punch.

"FIRE DRAGON ITON FIST!" He yelled, making his fist burst into flames.

He hit Lucy in the stomach, but to his surprise she didn't move.

"YOU ATE MY FIRE!!!" He yelled.

"Well if you must know I do know fire dragon slayer magic." She said.

"Do you know where Igneel is then?!" He asked with so much hope only to be crushed.

"No. He dispersed after we where done training. Saying that he had no more use for me and left to go find another student."

By this time Lucy was tearing up.

"I never got the chance to show him my ture power! Its all your fault!! He chose you! Over his own kind!" She yelled.

"And for that. You. Shall. Pay!" She said.

"Requipt! Dragon princesses armor!!" She spoke.

Lucy then charged at him full  speed slashing at him with her sword.

He went flying. Breaking 12 trees! He was still okay but not well enough to win.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" He yelled.

Lucy just ate his fire.

"Poison Dragon wing attack!" She yelled.

The attack hit him straight on making him fall unconscioones!

Hey so what did you think?! Lol love you my little ones

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