Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairytail, or any of the characters in the anime, though I do have my oc in there.

It was a quiet day for our Fairy Tail members. The Thunder Tribes leader, Laxus had just came back from a mission, and for once no fighting.

All was at peace. That is until the guild doors burst open showing a light blonde woman wearing a white tank top with shorts, and no shoes?

She looked around for a few seconds only to start making her way up the stairs to the second floor of the guild.

The guild was silent. And the air was thinking by the second. 'Who is she' was the only question on everyone's mind.

Her foot steps echoed through the guild. The Thunder Tribe was awaiting her at the top of the stairs. Confusion and anger written across their faces.

The girl looks at them with a small glance, but waved them off as if they were beneath her.

She made eye contact with one of the members, Bickslow, who had been sitting at the table with Laxus the whole time. Bickslow was shaking. Why?

The small girl placed her fingers against his head and flicked him! His head went slamming back.

The guild was in shock, no one in their right mind would hit a member of the Thunder Tribe. Especially if Laxus was there to witness it!

Bickslow began to yelp and rub his head while repeating, I'm sorry.

Laxus then busted out laughing making everyone jump. Why is he laughing?!

"God sister! That hurt!"


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