Chapter 26

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"so are you both going out with each other now?" Randy asked me for the 100th time and for the 100th time I ignored his question, constantly trying to change the topic and this has been happening since last night after the Seth dropped me off at home. I don't even know why Randy is being so persistent on knowing all of this because as far as I know, he doesn't care. So why the sudden concern now? Although it would have been easier to tell him that YES, Seth and I are dating, but that would only be possible if that was true. There's nothing I could really tell him but either way it's none of his business.

"Isn't the weather lovely?" I asked, sipping on my coffee gazing out of the window at the cloudy sky and the tall landscapes almost trying to reach it. It is beautiful. He rolled his eyes.

"The weather is shit." he sighed. "Now tell me."

"tell you what?" I frowned.


"Yeah, that's my name."

"Can you tell me if you're going out with the dick or what?"

"how's your girlfriend doing?" I took another sip of my coffee.

"My girlfriend?" he gave me a confused look and I just wiggled my eyebrows.

"yeah you know.. the one who you had issue with? The slutty one?" he frowned again not getting me.

"oh yeah. You could have just said the slut haha." he started laughing. "yeahh anyways. We're sorted now. We're actually pretty gooood." he cooed.

"okay. That's good." I shrugged and stood up from the chair and began making my way to the kitchen to leave my cup.

"Izz. it's fine if you don't want to tell me but I just want to let you know then when something shit happens I'm here for you."

"if something shit happens." I corrected him.

"No. When something shit happens. "


"let's just go now." he said walking into his room.

"Go where?" I asked confusedly.

"To the zoo obviously."

"oh. I've always wanted to go to the zoo." I jumped up excitedly.

"you-" he pointed to me and then sighed. "to work Izz. don't you have a job where you have to work?"

"I do." I nodded and then realision dawned to me. " ohhh. I do have a job bro. I gotta work to earn a living and pay my rent and take care of my husband and my kids and sent them to school, buy groceries and also take care of the household chores... I'm a very busy woman you see."

"I see." he said walking away from me. " You seem very creepy today. More like weird. Maybe creepy weird."

"Dont be rude." I cooed as I joined Randy outside the house as he locked the doors.

"You seem like you're in a very good mood." he said walking in and jumping in his car.

"hey!" I yelled following his footsteps and sat in the passenger seat. "that rhymed haha. " he just rolled his eyes at me.

" You're so lame." he said as he drove off with me while I was fiddling with the radio.

"well that's a shame." I shook my head at him.

"You need to get a brain."

"Why you gotta be so rude?" I nagged him.

"Izz?" he said without looking at me. His eyes focused on the road.

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