chapter 25

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You know that feeling when you feel that someone is following you and you get so paranoid that you feel like changing your name and moving to Mexico? Yeah that's how I was feeling right now. After that phone call I could feel it in my bones that something bad is going to happen.
He made it pretty clear that he's coming. Here? As in this city? In Seth's house? No he can't come here. He won't come here. He's just making empty threats. Yeah. How can he even come here? He can't. Yes he can't. Can he? No I hope not. He shouldn't come here. But even if he does, its not like he's going to find me in such a big place. Yeah. He can't.


"yeah he can't."

"IZZY?" I see someone clicking their fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and looked up to find Seth looking at me, eyebrows raised.

"What?" I murmured.

"Who can't?"

"huh?" I said distractedly and he just narrowed his eyes at me and then smirked.

"who can't do what?" he asked again and I just shrugged and then frowned again. "Anyways...what toy do you want?"

"huh?" I asked confusedly.

"You know for the kiddies meal?"

"umm it's okay. You don't have to get me anything."

"but I already ordered." he frowned.

"cancel it then." I paused for a second. "Can you drop me off at home?"

"Is everything okay?" Seth asked worriedly.

"yeah. why won't it be?"

"because you're acting so weird." he looked at me weirdly.

"No I'm not."

"yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"yes you are."

"No I'm- " I stopped mid track when I felt something on my leg. Finn?
I jumped on the bed and screamed, my voice full of panic. No, it can't be him. How would he know that I'm here.How would he even know Seth. He can't possibly find my address so soon right?

"Izzy. Calm down. It's just Kevin." he laughed. Seth picked up his little puppy and started rubbing his furry body. I rested my hand on my heart which was still beating frantically. Finn can't come back so soon right? He just called me now to say he's coming. He never said he came already. So that means there's still time to change my name and move to Mexico. Why am I even being so paranoid?

"Kevin... Say hi to Izzy. Izzy, say hi to Kevin." he put his dog on my lap and then sat on the bed next to me.

"hi kevin" I squeeked as I carried him and he whoofed- I mean barked at me softly.

"haha I knew you both would get along." he chuckled and I just rolled my eyes. "by the way... Did Randy say anything to you?"

"No. Why?" I said as I rubbed behind Kevin's ear.

"I don't know. I thought maybe he did, that's why you want to go home." he said. " Izzy you know you shouldn't listen to him and let him control you right?"

"he doesn't control me." I continued scratching kevin and he just sighed.

"Look Izzy. I know Randy can be..." he trailed off.

"can be?" I questioned with my eyebrows raised.

"can be..." he looked thoughtfully trying to find a word. " I mean I know he's like..."

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