Chapter 9

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When I reached home I saw Randy sitting on the sofa and watching tv. He looked pretty interested in the programme so I went to sit by him. Not that I wanted to but we needed to talk. I wanted to know what was going on with him and Seth. Actually I needed to know what was going on between him and Seth, even if it takes me to wake the dead and swim the ocean--

"I'm sorry" Randy says breaking the awkward silence. I didn't even realise it was awkward because I was thinking of how I need him to spill everything.

"huh?" I looked at him confused. I didn't even expect him to apologize so soon.

"I know ever since you came here I've been acting like a full on jerk. I'm so sorry Izz. I've just been going through some shit right now."

"Look Randy. Do you remember when we used to share all our secrets. okay yeah I know it was a long time ago and things changed between us but honestly believe it or not I actually felt closer to you when we were far apart" I looked ahead of me.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry Izz. I'm so sorry-- "

"I actually feel like a stranger now Randy. I know you already regret bringing me here so why don't send me back? I mean clearly I only came here because you insisted but if you don't want me here then I'll leave" I stood up ready to leave, not the city but to my room.

"Izz I didn't mean that." Randy said stopping me. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I'm so fucking sorry." He sighed.

"Randy? You need to tell me why you hate Seth so much?" I slipped to the point.

"Do you remember I told you about a girl who I love but she's intimidated by me?" I just nodded waiting for him to continue after he changed the topic.

"well turns out she wasn't. She just likes someone else. Well to be exact she's crazily in love with him."

"Are you serious?" I looked at him shockedly.

"Would I joke about something like this?" Randy gave me a glum look.

"Okay sorry. Then why is she intimidated by you?"

"She isn't." He replied simply and I was waiting for him to continue.
"You should see how she chases after him Izz. It's so pathetic. He barely gives two fucks with her." He said after a while.

"Are you sure you like her? I mean I didn't even meet this girl and I already know She's not your type and honestly Randy, you can do so much better than that. I don't know why you're fussing over her, if she likes being treated like a doormat then who are you to change that and make her feel special? I say you give up on this one sided love and show her who's the man!!" I encouraged him. Well I hope he understood what I had to say.

"You're right. You're actually fucking right! I don't need a clingy and desperate girlfriend like her. I can find a girl this easily." he clicked his fingers.

"Yes of course! YOU GO MY BROTHER!!" I said raising my fist for him to pound it.

"I'M GOING MY SISTER!!" Randy said after fist punching me. "to bed because I'm really tired. Farewell!!" he kissed my forehead before making his way to his room.

I'm glad he opened up to me and we're good now. I hope.

That girl was seriously nuts if she really wanted that in her life. I mean who wouldn't choose my brother?

Although Randy opened up to me and told me about his love life issues I never missed the fact that he chose to tell me that instead of telling me why he hates Seth.

Was it really that intense???

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