Chapter 2

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The next few days went in a blur and I was utterly heartbroken. I mean why not? I've dated him for 5 years and suddenly I see him kissing another bimbo and I'm not being good enough for him.
I remember how we first met.It was a bit clichè but he still meant everything to me. Almost every night I thought about him. He was the one for me. Or so I thought. My first everything. It wasn't only about the intimacy, it was also more about the feelings that has grown for 5 years. How his eyes used to lighten up whenever he started to talk to me and how he used to scowl every time I beat him in his games and his gorgeous smile that he used to show me when he said he loved me. What fucking lies! Hs didn't love me. I wasn't good enough for him. That hurts like hell. He cheated on me because I was not good enough for him.Or for anyone. I know my pillow is probably soaking right now but I really don't care.   My silent screams were never heard because I didn't want them to be heard. My eyes felt heavy as  the tears streamed down my face. I fell asleep thinking was I really not good enough?


The past couple of days, I went around hunting for a job. I applied everywhere and not one God damn firm responded to me. I can't just sit in my house and do nothing for the rest of my life. For some strange reason I'm extremely good at photography, whether it's nature or models. I can make the imperfect perfect. But it's just my lack of experience that is getting me nowhere. I pulled my hair in frustration.
"Why does all the bad things always happen to me?"
I wanted to burst out in tears in the middle of the road. I felt so lost and... so lonely.

Until one morning when my mom barged into my room jumping and yelling excitedly for me to get up. Honest to God, I get so annoyed with her sometimes.

"What mom? I'm up!" I yawned.


"What??! That's great news!! When is he coming?" I jumped out of the bed.

"Today, this afternoon."

My brother. He is one of the best people in the world. He was the only person who I could share my feelings with and he wouldn't judge me. I used to share with him everything, like legit everything, until he ditched us  and signed in WWE, I hardly ever spoke to him after that. Well we still kept in touch but not very frequent. He comes every once in a while and this is how we usually react. Yeah! My brother is in WWE and he is the famous Randy Orton. Although I love Randy, I didn't like WWE. In fact I hated it. I hated the people and I hated the atmosphere. I felt like it was them who seperated me from my brother. And it was because of them we hardly speak anymore.

And now since he's coming here, I'm over the moon. I can barely control my excitement to see him.

When the afternoon came by and Randy took a step into the house, I jumped in his arms and hugged him as tight as I could.

"Gosh! I missed you so much." Tears started to prick my eyes and I started sniffing to hold back the tears. I felt his arms wrap around me. I really did miss him.

"My dear little sister, I know you love me and stuff but could you please refrain from putting your snot on my shirt. It's a brand new one."

"and... the arrogant jerk is back"
I burst out laughing as I smacked him on his arm softly. I knew he was joking because his smirk said it all.

Randy went to meet Mom in the kitchen and she ended up being ten times worse than me. She started crying and saying how grown up he is gone and how much she missed him.

The entire afternoon was spent with Randy and I catching up on all our dramas in our lives. He told me he liked this one girl, Zahra or something, but she is intimidated by him. I also told him about Finn and I's break-up. I didn't go in all details though but still if I didn't stop him, he would have found Finn and beaten him up.

At dinner, Randy and mom were having a general conversation when Randy randomly said, "The photographer of WWE resigned. She was going to get married and her husband didn't want her to take pictures of half naked men."

"Oh that poor thing! She sacrificed so much just for a man. I hope he's worth it" mom said, sipping on her juice.

That made me burst out laughing.
"Hey Izz! Why don't you be the photographer of WWE?"
My laughter just stopped.

"Ha Ha! Nope. I don't think I can. I don't think I will."

"Why don't you try?" he frowned at me.

"I don't think they will even think of making me a photographer, Randy"

"Umm... I kinda already sent your profile to them." He stuttered. "But guess what? They already accepted you because I showed them all the pictures you have taken." he paused for a minute. "and because you're my sister."

"Oh my god" I breathed out. "What the hell Randy? Who gave you permission to touch my things and how dare you send my profile to them, when you know that I'm not fond of them." I glared at him.

"Well mom was saying that you needed a job and you needed a rebound so that's where I put my big brother act on and help you."

"come on Izzabella, it won't be that bad. You should just give it a shot and plus the good side is that you can see hot guys worth drooling over. You get to click pictures of their six packs and their body too, you know?" mom grinned. I can't believe my mother just said that.

It took a while for me to even comprehend what they were asking from me. I didn't really want to go. After all I hated WWE but I loved Randy more and I knew he wanted me to be with him. After so much of pressuring and pestering (and puppy faces)  I sighed loudly.
"Fine. I'll go and give it a shot BUT... if I don't like it then I'm taking the next flight back home."

A/N: hola!! Thanks for reading. don't forget to vote and comment. What do you think of Randy and Izz's relationship?

Ps. The image is of Finn Balòr.

Love you lots xx

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