Chapter 13

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I don't know how many centuries had past when I felt Seth touch my cheek softly.
"Izz" he whispered and I just stirred.

"5 minutes more." I said groggily.

"Izz" he continued,still tapping my cheek softly. This time I didn't move. 
"IZZABELLA ORTON!!" he screamed in my ear which caused me to jump up in panic and bang my head against his face.

"ugh. Seth. What the hell?" I yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you Izz? You ruined my face." he says holding his nose.

"well that's because you screamed so loud in my ear"

"I'm been trying to get you up for so long now."

"So why was your face so close to my head?" I looked at him.

"That's because you're a heavy sleeper." he said after a while.

"That doesn't explain why you were so close to me" I yawned. "Gosh. I'm so tired." I yawned again.

"You should probably go to bed now. Don't dream about me too much."

"more like nightmares." I moaned. Not in that way. I opened the car door to jump out.

"So you do think about me then?" he smirked.

"Goodnight Seth" I jumped out of the car and closed the door ignoring his question.

"bye Izz!" he yelled from the window, laughing at me. Jerk.

I walked in, smiling crazily, ignoring Randy and Dean who was watching tv, making fun of some random guy on tv.

I went straight to my room. I refreshed myself and changed into my pjs.
I was just about to switch my light off that is until Randy came in.

"Izz I'm so sorry." He started. "I know I've been an annoying shitface from the time you got here. I know I've been acting too over protective over you with Seth. I'm sorry for everything. I just don't want to see you get hurt again. I just... I know how Finn- "

"it's okay Randy. You don't need to over stress this."

"I just... it's fine." Randy said looking at me. I probably looked like I wasn't paying attention. Well I wasn't. I'm so God Damn tired. Go away Randy!!

"You can see Seth"

"What?" I think I almost choked on nothing.

"I'm saying you can see Seth but... remember if he hurts you I will hurt him, but since I know him I'll be a bit kind to him so I'll just shove his dick right up his nose."

I laughed at that but then I looked at him and realised he was being serious. I don't want to even imagine that scene Randy just said.

I just sighed. At least I can see Seth with Randy's permission now. Although I didn't need it. Seth is a fun person to hang out with.

"Thanks Randy" I said with a sleep filled voice. He just smiled at me and switched the lights off before walking out.

The next morning when I got up Randy made breakfast for me. well that was a good apology.
We were both eating in this silence. I can't really tell whether it was awkward or not.

"ohh I forgot to tell you... Steph wanted to speak with you. On Friday is Triple H's birthday and we're planning a party for him." his eyes lit up.

"oh cool. Am I invited?" I asked while eating.

"No. You're not actually. You have to sit at home quietly while I will video the entire party for you. I'll even bring you some cake.

"uh huh" I said sipping on my coffee. I was actually used to people not inviting me to their parties. Back in the day Finn and I used to create such a ruckus at peoples' parties, it was so hilarious. Let's just say people were not fond of Finn and I and we totally got banned from any party after this one we went to  and we drained the water from the pool when suddenly this one drunk guy, who wanted to skinny dip, dived into the waterless pool. I think he hurt his everything. but it wasn't our fault. Maybe if he checked whether there was water then he coulf have avoided getting hurt. We spent like a week in hospital taking care of him and paying hospital bills. I smiled at that.
Those were the days.

"are you even listening to me?" Randy clicked his fingers in front of my face. "I hate when you zone out while I'm talking."

"sorry."I shrugged lamely. "What were you saying?"

"I'm saying that obviously you're invited because you're part of the WWE family now. Although you're not a diva but you're still part of the family"

"okay." I replied looking at the floor.

"Whats with the mood change? I hope you don't think you're just gonna be a photographer and wear your formal clothes right?" he laughed.

"what's wrong with my formal clothes?"

"Jeez Izz. Just speak with Steph."

When I arrived at work I saw everyone doing decorations. Luckily Randy told me so early about this party. Note the sarcasm.

I met up with Steph and she apologised for being rude to me the other day. Although I even forgot about that. I was surprised when she told me this wasn't the first time they fought. They used to get into pretty hectic fights before and she was pissed at them because they were going to go down that path again.

She then told me about the birthday party for triple H which is gonna be a surprise for him when he gets back here. Everybody has to help including me and I'm also part of the celebration because I'm not just going to be a photographer there. but just as Randy's sister. yayyy?

The rest of the week everybody was doing just that. Making preparations for the party. Including me. Seth was there and he always joined me when I was helping. Not to help me though but to annoy the hell out of me. After a while we both were helping each other. But a few times we did have our usual banter and small arguements but then again it was immature. We would eventually go back to each other. Not in that way I mean we'd just go back to helping each other.

All this while Dean was being strangely weird around me. He was ignoring me well I think he was. He just avoided me whenever I tried to speak to him or made a stupid excuse to get away from me.
I think it was really his time of the month.

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