Chapter 23: She Knows

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-Devin POV-

"There's many things I already knew would happen. I should have told you from the beginning" King said.

Me and James stood waiting to here what he had to say.

"You see, we already knew that she wouldn't be able to control herself on this journey" he said.

"Wait when you say control herself you don't mean..."

"Yes, we knew that she would lose herself, and even try to kill you" King said.

I was in shocked.

"Then why didn't you tell us?"

"Because we didn't want you to worry. We wanted to just have hope that nothing would we were unsure at the time if what we thought was right" Queen said.

"Which is why we sent you on that journey with her" He said.

"Wait..that kingdom never did need help to begin with did they?"

The king didn't say anything.

"Is this true your majesty" James said.

"...yes it is" he said.

"But why?" James asked.

"We figured that if we sent you on a four day journey then maybe she would learn how to control her powers well enough, then on the fourth day soldiers I sent ahead of you would come get you and bring you back and explain everything. But...when they didn't return, I assumed something happened" he said.

I was getting mad, I mean what the heck was the King thinking...I snapped.

"WHY? I mean why put us, not even us, why put her through all that."

"Devin calm down he's still the king" James said.

"No James it's okay. You have every right to be mad" he said.

"Your majesty if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you tell her that The Evil Painter is her father...I feel as though Devin should be the one to tell her personally since she trusts him" James said.

I looked at the fact that he would even mention that...

"He's my father?" I heard.

When we all looked over Lexi was standing by the door.


"Lexi..." I didn't even know what to say.

I started walking towards her but she ran away.

I looked at James angry and said "Thanks a lot" then I ran after her.


Running down the hall, she ran in her room and shut the door.

I stopped in front of it and knocked.."Lexi"

"Go away, I don't want to see you right now" she said.

"Lexi, please..I can explain"

"Explain what, why you lied to me, why you kept the truth from me. Oh sure come on in and tell me" she said sarcastically.

"Lexi please..."

I waited for a few seconds then the door opened and I walked in.

She sat on her bed refusing to give me eye contact.

"Okay listen. I know that--"

"No you listen, answer me this one question. Is The Evil Painter my real father, the one that left me all those years ago?" She asked.

I looked at her...I couldn't even say yes only because I'm scared of what she'll wanna do, but I have to now.

"...yes it's true, he is your father"

I saw tears come down as she wiped them away.

"That's all I needed to hear, you can go" she said

Before I could say anything the two guards guarding her door came and escorted me out.

When the door was shut, I just stood there, scared and wondering on what exactly she was about to do.

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