Chapter 14: The Mission

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*Two days later*

Its been two days.

The king had asked to speak with Me, Devin and Prince James.

He says its urgent.

"I would guess your wondering why I called you here" King said.

We all nodded.

"I have a mission that I need the princess to carry out" he said.

What! Me?

"I see that look on your face princess. But regardless on how you feel, only you can do this" he said.

"I understand"

Here we go.

What can I possibly do.

"There has been a disturbance near the kingdom of Rosslyn. There had been word of evil aura's passing through lately" he said

"And what can I possibly do?"

"Your job is to purify the kingdom. Rid it of the evil aura" he said

"But I don't know how to use my powers yet, let alone purify evil aura's"

"I knew you would say that. Luckily it will take you four days to reach this kingdom on foot, and in those four days, Devin and Prince James will teach you how to use your powers" he said.

I have to learn how to use them in four can this get any worst.

"Is there any questions?" He asked.

We didn't say nothing.

"Good. You shall leave tomorrow. Your dismissed" he said.

We all bowed as we left.

"So princess, why don't I show you the kingdoms flower garden. Its very pretty and relaxing to see" Prince James asked

"Wow. Yeah I would like to see it"

He smiled as he grabbed my hand.

Prince James is so...proper.

"Devin are you coming?"


Prince James cut him off.

"I'm sure Devin has other duties to attend to" he said.

Prince James pulled me away.

I looked back at Devin who was walking away.

What's wrong with him.


-The next day-

Today is when we set out for our mission.

The king and queen stood there to see us off.

"Take care of the princess" Queen said.

"We will" Prince James said.

We left not knowing that this was a trap.

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