Chapter 3: New classes

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Once I arrived to school, I looked in my bag and took out my schedule.

"Okay so math 3 first period, great just pressure. Um art second period, something i'll enjoy. Then I have gym third period and English last...well this wasn't the schedule I was hoping to get, but oh well" I thought. 

As I started walking towards my locker, I had accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry" 

"No it's my...bad" he said

As I was about to walk off, I heard him say "I haven't seen you around before"

I turned around and said "uh, well it is a new school year".

He laughed and said "oh yeah anyway what class are you heading to"

"Math 3"

"Mr. James?" He asked.

"Yeah how did you-"

"I have him too" he said as he pulled out his schedule.

"Oh okay"

"You don't mind if I walk with you, do you?" He asked.

"Sure, I don't mind"

Once we started walking he said "by the way, I'm Devin"

I smiled and said "I'm Lexi". He smiled as we continued walking.

About a minute later we entered first period.

I didn't plan on sitting next to Devin,but apparently he planned on sitting next to me. Of course I didn't mind, I mean he is cute.

-45 minutes later-

After class was over I headed to art class.

My plan was to get to know Devin a little better, to at least have one friend. But that plan change, cause when I walked in class, unfortunately Darvin was in here to, and him and Devin were just laughing it up. There goes my chance to have at least one friend.

After class was over I finally made it to gym class.

The teacher starts to explain to us how much we have to bring for our class fee. "Thirty dollars for shorts, a shirt and shoes, they must be joking" I whispered.

"Yeah your right" Devin said as he walked towards me.

"Wait your in this class too?" 

"Yeah, cool right" he said.

I didn't say anything as I put my form in my bag.

After class was over, I headed to my locker, grabbed my lunch and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

When I walked in, I went to the table I sat at last year with my best friend, or should I say ex best friend Tiana, but after what happened between us, I sit by myself. 

When I sat down, I felt a tear fall down my face. I guess I'm upset at the fact that I'm going to be alone this school year.

As I'm sitting here thinking to myself, I noticed that Devin was walking up to me with his lunch,  so I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked.

"Umm no"

He sat down on the opposite side of me as he began to drink his chocolate milk.

"So how come your not eating school lunch?" He asked.

"I don't really like the school lunch"

"Well I can see why. This milk taste like it already expired" he said as he drunk it again.

"Then why are you still drinking it?" 

He looked at it and said "uh..I don't know".

I started to laugh. I haven't laughed like this in so long.

"So I have to ask, do you know a guy name Darvin?" He asked.

"Why do you ask"

"Well I'm going to take that as a yes, because we were talking in art class and he kept telling me about how he loves you and how u love him and stuff" he said.

"You don't say"

"So he's your boyfriend?" He asked.

"No...well technically he stillis, but I don't want him to's just hard for me to break up with him"

"Why do you want to break up with him?" He asked.

"It's a long story"

"Well maybe you can tell me sometime" he said.

I paused and whispered "maybe"

Once the bell had rung, I headed to fourth period. Turns out Devin has every class I have.

When school was finally over, I started walking home when Devin was running up to me.

"Hey Lexi wait up" he yelled.

I stopped and turned to him. "Why do I keep running into him" I thought.

"Hey let me walk you home" he said.

Oh no, you don't have to-" 

"No I insist" he said.

"But won't your parents be worried?"

"Um..I'm sure they won't mind" he said.

"Okay" I smiled as we were about to walk, but then Darvin had ran towards us.

"Hey babe" he said as he tried to kiss me, but I quickly moved away.

"Anyway, why don't you let me walk you home. He said.

"Sorry but no, Devin is taking me home" I said as I grabbed Devin's hand as I walked away.

I'm not sure what his face expression was, but I'm sure he stood there dumb founded.

About 20 minutes later I arrived home.

"Thanks for walking me home"

"No problem" he said.

He grabbed my hand and put a piece of paper in it.

"What's this?" 

"My number. Text me sometime" he said as he walked away.

I smiled and walked in the house.

A couple of hours later it was night time. The start of when my troubles began.

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