37) Tri-Split

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"I never want to do that again," Violet groans, stumbling out of the mine cart David urged us into, insisting that it was the only. Halfway through the horrendous ride, he announced that there was elevator that he had just remembered. I rest my hand on her shoulder gently to steady her; her blood loss might also be affecting her balance. She doesn't need Harper's idiocy if she's to survive this whole war between Deepground and the WRO. 

Violet stares at me, glowing eyes locking on mine and refusing to let them go. I raise an eyebrow, the bright purple flecks in her eyes revealing that she's conversing with Shadow. David scoffs, crossing his arms a few feet away. 

"As much as I love a cheesy love scene, PDA isn't my thing," he speaks up, Violet blinking and turning her head to glance at him in near surprise. Her demon is good at being a distraction. 

"Let's go," I say flatly, tearing my eyes away and following Harper down yet another corridor. Violet trails after us grumpily, arms crossed tightly. A subtle stirring kicks up in my stomach, pointing out the fact that anyone could shoot her in the head from behind. I slow my pace and match her meandering one, much to annoyance. She doesn't say anything though. 

"The elevator should be just up ahead," David says, the three of us cautiously walking across the creaking bridge before us. Once we've reached the middle, the supports screech and pops. Suddenly, the bridge collapses, swinging outward and leaving us falling deeper into the enemy's territory. Violet squeaks, clutching my arm. I sigh, despite our situation, and land on my feet, the impact rattling through my legs. 

"Thanks Vince," she grins when we stand, gently pressing her lips against my cheek before hurrying to catch up with David. We move onto a long, narrow strip of ground, snipers shooting at us from far away. Violet and I shoot them down while David handles the ground soldiers that attempt to ambuish from  behind. Violet gets shot in the thigh, blood staining her clothing and oozing through the fingers grasping the wound instantaneously. She downs a potion quickly before shooting down the last man with deadly accuracy. 

"That didn't work too well," David points out as the bullet wound continues to flow crimson. She shrugs carelessly and continues onward. The deep rooted concern for her life that was planted in me back when Rosso was killed sprouts into a sapling of worry. I press my last potion into her hands, refusing her whining and forcing her to drink it. She grimaces.

"Ew, that one was really nasty. What the heck are you feeding me, jerk?" I roll my eyes and continue walking. She hurries to catch up with me, grabbing my arm to stop me. "Are you serious? I'm not kidding; that was nasty. Wanna try some?" I would rather not. 

"The bottle is empty," I point out, turning to face her. David huffs and walks past us irritably, tired of watching Violet and I go back at forth in what I suppose would be considered "lover's quarrels". Violet smirks devilishly.

"So?" I raise an eyebrow.

"So it would be impossible to..." She pulls my head down, her lips cutting my words off abruptly. What the... I jerk away, glaring at her. She laughs, tilting her head to her side an dlifting her hands to her hips.


"Absolutely vile," I sigh, glancing toward our guide. "Though I'm not sure that was all the potion..."

"What?!" She snaps, losing her cocky attitude relatively quickly. I smile at her lightly, my amusement for the evening complete. "Screw you," she huffs, stomping past and hurrying after Harper.

Awhile later, we take a quick break to catch a breath, or, for me, to reload our weapons. Out of nowhere, black and purple tendrils of light reach up from the earth, threatening to swallow us. David jumps to his feet, grabbing Violet's arm.

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