2) Highwind

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I don't remember this place being here. An old, rusting rocket, few houses, even less people. Before my sleep, there was a town here named Sleeping Oaks, a quiet old town filled with rather short people and all had strange ways of speaking. I was sent there once to retrieve an ingredient for Lucrecia's experiments. How long was I asleep for this much to have happened to this town? Once a place of peace, now there's a heaviness in the air around those who remain. Something like... Broken dreams, useless hopes, and fake faith. Like they know they won't be alright if they stay.

Cloud's head tilts back as he takes in the sight of the large rocket, Barret impatiently scratching at his beard.

"A rusty old rocket... Wonder what they'd make something that huge for?" A rocket... For what? Probably space... Violet studies the town with old memories reflecting behind her light eyes, a sadness formed by the things she used to know and knows no longer. Was she hidden away as I was? Or did she live that time as a normal person?


What do you mean?

There's no response, as usual when I ask questions. There's always one voice, only one soul, but I can feel many more stirring inside me. How much more has Hojo cursed me? That man will pay...

"We should go check out the shops," Tifa speaks up, moving forward to get some attention. "And restock on supplies." She's kind enough, I suppose, but as standoffish as everyone else is around me. Except for Violet, of course. The naive woman doesn't understand what I am anymore, and I don't wish to know what was put inside her.

Restocking would be wise. Violet drank loads of potions up there, leaving me curious to see if she has a fetish for something once again or if she is trying to hide something. I myself prefer not to drink them, for they taste like fish and burnt rubber combined, not to mention the slimy texture that makes me want to gag.

"Good idea," Cloud acknowledges. "Yuffie and Violet, come with me. The rest of you, buy anything you need within reason. Remember that we're low on gil though."

Tifa and Aeris immediately stick together and walk for an item shop, Cait Sith bounding for the weapon shop. Barret turns to look down at me.

"Yo Vamps, you need any of the money?"

"..." I silently observe him for a moment. He does not wish to be speaking to me. I do not blame him. I give a very slight shake of my head and glance down at Nanaki. The intelligent animal is one I've found I can comfortably sit in silence with, and he being a quiet soul himself, doesn't mind when I don't respond to his questions and somewhat childish hopes. Young, yet considered old in the years of a human. Human... Something I wish to be again.

"#-+% freak," Barret mutters, following the robotic cat. Nanaki looks back at me with his one amber eye, the shining sunset colored iris seemingly glimmering with mental amusement.

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