3) Freed

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My sabatons crush the grass beneath them, feet carrying me to the woman I both wish to destroy and protect, for Lucrecia's sake. I saw her chase Barret off earlier, but I doubt her petty threats will ever be directed toward me. Galian stirs with a growl as I approach Violet, sensing something stronger than even I can. What has Hojo done? She was so innocent, naïve, and broken, lost in her pain. I wonder what has become of Joshua, her only son. Harper would've wanted him by her side...

Pondering these things, I stand at her side next to the tree, watching as Barret laughs, roasting some creature we found and Yuffie tries to get away with Cid's materia. She shifts with a frown on her face, obviously noticing Galian's presence. Her short side bangs fall over her eyes, her hand reaching up to brush then back. Something her sister absolutely despised. Looking somewhat tired, she looks up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You needed to get away too?"

"... Not exactly." Trying to feel less awkward, I sit down a foot away, bringing one knee up to rest my arm on. I hear a thump and glance over at her, watching her smack the back of her head against the three times before she notices my glare and stops with a scowl.

"What did you need then?" What do I need? Why am I here?

"... Nothing." She rolls her eyes, leaning forward to pick the mud and grime off her boots. "You've changed."

"Did you expect me to be the same after what Hojo put me through for three years?" She snaps at me, straightening. I frown and look toward camp again. Still as hot tempered as ever. "Directed under my stupid sister too," she adds in a mumble. My eyes narrow, anger flashing behind the rare crimson irises.

"She wasn't stupid," I shoot quickly, quick to glare at her.

"It was a replacement for a word Cid would've used," she sighs. "You're right. She was too smart for her own good." No, you have it all wrong. Your sister was genius, beautiful, talented, much more than you ever would and ever could be. She returns my scowl with a cold look. "Why do you hate me so much?" Her question shocks me, my gaze turning away so that she can't catch the emotion. Do I hate her? No... At one point, she and her fiancé were considered my friends. After he passed on... Well, she tried to get closer to me, not wanting to feel so alone.

Of course, my duty as the bodyguard of her older sister kept me from spending much time with her, but we still kept in touch. She cane to me for everything, from odd hunting jobs she needed help with to carrying new bags of soil in for the flowers her late lover used to take care of. I don't think I could ever have it in me to hate her, not after letting her do what she did for me and Lucrecia. Both of us must atone for our sins, the sins that created the bitterness between she and her family and the danger I let Lucrecia get smothered in. She lost her son, I let Hojo win.

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