29. What Have I Done?

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(Concert play by play in the authors note at the end! Also edit in the sidebar!)

“Ready?” I nodded. We hadn’t ever had “the talk” but I’d made my decision. I didn’t have to hear anything else, my mind was made up and nothing would change that. His lips latched back onto mine and I knew that it was his last desperate attempt to distract me.

Before he could make another move though, a loud banging rang throughout the flat. I broke away, mortification sending my racing heart to a dramatic stop. I sighed, my disappointment audible.

“No,” he ordered, pulling me back by my chin, “Gwen.” A wild grin broke across my face. Of course. Gwen was here. Gwen could answer the door. Gwen wasn’t about to take the biggest leap forward in her relationship history ever. Once again his lips crashed down on mine and I found myself getting lost in the ferocity of it.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

“Harry,” I whimpered, pushing him away slightly, “we can’t.” Before I even had the chance to let myself get sucked back in, I stepped out of the tub. I was going to kill the bastard banging on my door. I was going to kill them and then I was going to kill Gwen. Then, once all completely unnecessary distractions were gone Harry and I were going to continue what we were doing when we were so rudely interrupted.

Yanking my robe around my dripping body, I stomped to the front door.

Where the hell was Gwen?

“What?” I yelled, throwing the door open.

“Honey, I’m home.” Golden eyes sparked back at me from their incredibly unwanted owner standing in front of me. Adrien.

 Cassie’s POV:

“What are you doing here?” I was too stunned to do anything but stand there gaping at him. I could feel the water in my hair dripping down my back and onto the floor, but I didn’t care.

“Cass, who is it?” I paled as Harry came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. I didn’t even have to turn around to know that he still wasn’t completely clothed, I could see it on Adrien’s face. His expressions shifted from the malicious grin He had been wearing when I’d opened the door to shock, and then to barely contained rage. He had put the pieces together Himself.

“Aid! Hey, I didn’t know you and Cassie were friends?” Harry laughed, running a hand through his sopping curls. He was clearly confused, but hell, I’d take confused boyfriend over enraged psycho ex any day.

“Oh yeah, we’re über close!” I glared at Him. His mocking tone was getting on my last nerve.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I growled, crossing my arms across my chest. If Harry felt any of the tension that was rapidly filling the air around us he didn’t let on.

“Awe, come on Cass, don’t be that way,” He cheered, a sadistic smile curling His lips, His eyes glued to Harry’s arms still locked protectively around my waist. I couldn’t help but grin triumphantly back at Him.

“What do you want, Adrien?”

“Oh, I just thought I’d do you a favor and bring this by.” I balked. Hanging on His index finger by one thin scarlet strap was my bra. A very old bra. A bra that I’d left in His dorm room back in North Carolina. 

“I mean, I know that you had planned on coming over and getting it later, but I was in the area so I thought I’d save you the trip.” I felt Harry stiffen behind me and we all knew that Adrien had struck a nerve.

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