Swaragini Intro And Fun 1 [Edited]

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Swara does not have interest in studies whereas Ragini is a scholar. Swaragini both r modern and are the daughter of Shekhar and Sumi. They both r twins but Ragini is two minutes bigger than Swara.

Laksh and Adarsh are sons of Dp and Ap whereas Sanskar and Uttara are son and daughter of Rp and Sp. Adarsh is 5 yrs bigger than Sanskar. Sanskar is 5 months bigger than Laksh and Laksh is 2 yr bigger than Uttara.

GADODIA HOUSE- Gadodias live in Kolkata and live a luxury lifestyle. Dadu's favourite is Ragini whereas Swara is Dadi's darling. Dida died 19 yrs ago in a  road accident with his grandson that is Swaragini's brother. Sumi and Shekhar still cry for the death of the kid. Whereas Swaragini is unaware about the whole brother thing since they were very small to understand these things then. Shekhar hates only one person that is his childhood friend but he doesn't know where he is and feel blessed that he is not in Kolkata. Swaragini are in the last year of the college.

MAHESHWARI MANSION- Maheshwari's are Mumbaikars and they also lead a luxurious lifestyle. Sanskar is Ap favourite and vice versa. Whereas Laksh is Sp is favourite but Laksh loves his dad the most. Dp is broad-minded and feels that his kids can now make their own decision. He has his assistant who is working with him from 24 yrs. Uttara is dp favourite. Adarsh is RP's favourite as he has already joined the business. Even dp and RP hate their friend bcoz he cheated him in business.

Laksh, Sanskar and Uttara are going for studies to Kolkata as they don't want to study in Mumbai!
Scene 1
A bike is at speed of 100 km/hr with   a girl(wearing dress worn by Swara in the picture)sitting back and a person in a  biker jacket riding it and a helmet on his head

Girl (shouting): "please slow down."

Her hair is open and is moving with the breeze.

Person: "Say you love me"

Girl:" no never, I hate you, I hate you," The person said "Really? Cool then" and increased the speed and then girl shouted" ok fine, I love u now please slow down "

the person said "I love u too" and increases the speed.

Scene 2
Gadodia house, Sumi goes to the girl's bedroom to wake them up but finds no one there.

Sumi: "your daughters are gone again"

Shekhar who was drinking tea replies:  Don't start again, they will come, & let them enjoy. Five days are left for their college to start.

Sumi: "As if everything thing will change since then? I am telling you small one is spoiling the bigger. Trust me as soon as they reach they will start fighting" and then she goes out.

She saw a bike(this is the same which was first shown) coming to her. The bike stops and Sumi stares angrily at them. Then she catches the ear of the girl sitting at back.

Girl: " sorry maa all this happened because of her, I told her not to do this. ".
The helmet is removed by the girl and is shaking her hair. Sumi looks at that girl angrily.

Sumi: "Swara get down of the bike and Ragini you also"

And Swaragini gets down of the bike.
Swara: "maa she is lying, she  told me to take her on a bike ride, so that people should think she has a boyfriend and let  other girls get jealous of her, and she kept saying I love you"

Ragini(angrily): "such a liar!"

Swara:" Don't lie Ragini!"

They started fighting and blaming each other. Whereas Sumi was watching all this and gets irritated by their fighting and says: " shut up both of you, I know who wanted to go for a bike ride " and catches Swara ears.

Swara: "ouch! maa it's paining"

Ragini also angrily looks at Swara: "see Maa knows you "

Sumi catches Ragini ears also and says "As if you did not want to go with her?".

Swara gets happy seeing this and starts teasing her. And then three of them go inside but Swaragini didn't stop there fight. As they entered Shekhar said

Shekhar: " hey my dolls"

then swaragini ran to Shekhar and screamed " Papa" and hugged him.

Sumi: "Shekhar you have spoiled them".

Shekhar replies " Nope Sumi my big daughter is quiet, ya the small one is shaitan ".

Swara and Ragini both agree to him but later Swara realizes that he was talking about her and says" papa".

Shekhar laughs and then Swara smiles hugs him again.

Sumi: " Shona why did you forced lado to say I love you to you ".

Swara: " maaa, there should be no reason to express love ".

Ragini (angrily): " see Maa bcoz of her I have to suffer, I don't know what people might be thinking about me".

A voice: " they will think that u have a boyfriend who loves u a lot, right Shona".

Everybody look out and find dadi at the gate. Swara: "right dadi." goes to dadi and hug her.

Just then dadu enters with the bags and says "why all of u are troubling my child"

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