Damien, you idiot.

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"You seriously did not just upload a video of Mr. Robins dancing in his office! We were sworn to secrecy!"

At that moment in time, I seriously felt like slapping him.

"No, you are. Just not me," he replied rather calmly.

"We could get in trouble for this!"

"Yes, we could,"

"Will you stop that?!"

"Stop what?"

"Talking so calmly!"

"Oh okay. Oh Mer Gosh! My name is Emerald Winters and I'm so scared! Ahhhh. I'm going to die! I'm going to-"

"On the second thought, shut up!"

After a while I realised something odd. "Wait. Did you just agree with me?"

"I never did such a thing!"

"You said we might get in trouble,"



"For shouting in the hall,"

"Oh, bite me. No one cares!"

"Actually someone does," a voice said from behind me.

Oh no. I'm gonna die.

I turned around and forced a smile on my face. "Hi Mr. Robins... Uh, nice tie," I said meekly.

"Thanks, I got it from a monkey," Mr. Robins said.





There was an awkward silence.

"If that's all, then I'm gonna leave now," Damien said but not before turning around and leaving me to face Mr. Robins alone.

Cue awkwardness.

"I like your shoes. It suits your eyes," I said.

Lies. It does not. Mr. Robins has blue eyes and his shoes are a horrible puke green.

Yes. Horrible.

Ewww. Who picked them anyway? Such an ugly colour.

"Ahem," the voice said.

I looked up from the terrible shoes and came face to face with Mr. Robins. Well, not literally face to face but you get the picture.

Woah there Mr. Robins. Don't go all up in the face of a student. WE PAY YOUR SALARY! Somehow. But okay.

"I just want to thank you for agreeing to tutor Damien. And I just want to wish you luck. You'll need it," Mr. Robins said.

"Oh. Um. O-okay," I stuttered. "I guess I'll just be going then. Have a nice day Mr. Robins!" I said and walked briskly away from the teacher.

Once I rounded the corner I looked down towards the floor to avoid making awkward eye contact with the other students in the halls.

Well, I guess I should have looked where I was going because on the way to my locker I walked right into someone.

Causing me to fall on my bottom. And let me tell you. That hurt.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING BITCH!" A high pitched voice screamed at me causing me to winced.

I looked up and saw a blonde bimbo. Huh. Would you look at that. My new school is more cliche than I had originally thought.

Bad boy? Check.

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