Starting Over

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"Emmy, get your lazy ass out of bed and get down here!" Aunt Jessica hollered from the kitchen.

She knew that I was always the typical lazy 16 year old, she knew that I could never protest with her, she knew I couldn't defend myself against the world after the accident 2 years ago, and she knew that I knew what she knew and she was rubbing it in my face for it.

Aunt Jessica was my dad's younger sister. She was in her 20's so that meant she had the energy of a jack rabbit high on Dr.Pepper. She had red curly hair that reached below her shoulders. She was like, 2 centimeters taller than me but she keeps calling me a midget. Dude, I'm 5' feet 7! I'm not a midget! But she never did stop...

"Emmy, don't make me come up there!" The sound of Aunt Jessica's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and back to the horrifying reality called, life.

I quickly grabbed my rainbow in colored duffle bag, slung it over my shoulder and got my light blue beanie on my way out my bedroom door. Aunt Jessica was an anonymous fashion designer. It's like a regular fashion designer, but no one really knows who makes it. They have code names that were pretty cheesy, but people actually bought it.

Idiots. Idiots everywhere.

I wore a floral summer dress and quarter half jeans, with my white strap sandals and of course, my beanie. I never leave home without a beanie on my head, and a spare one in my duffle bag. My mom and dad started to buy me those beanies when I was already 10. I remember I used to complain about them being to big and they said that I would someday grow into them. And I did. But back then I didn't believe them. I was a spoiled brat who wanted everything in the world, but now, I just wanted my parents back.

A tear rolled down my cheek by just remembering the arguments and parents and I had before the accident. Why had I been so selfish back then?

I took a deep breath and began descending down the spiral staircases. I was always cautious with those kinds of staircases. I could trip and fall to my death! A.k.a: doom...

I found aunt Jessica lounging on the sofa, fiddling with her thumbs to keep her occupied. It was an old habit of hers when she got nervous about something. Something had been bothering her this past week but I never really got a chance to ask her, then would had been a good time, but I wanted her to tell me herself, willingly.

"Morning, aunt Jessica. Ready to go?" She said she wanted to take me out that day, somewhere special for once. We never bonded really well when I first moved in with her so I just assumed she wanted to get to know me better, especially when my 17th birthday was coming up in 3 months.

"Yeah. Let's go." She said getting up from the couch. I had already started making my way to the front door but then she called out my name which made me come to a halt. I turned around to see her already standing in front of me.

"I have to tell you something..." She trailed off, possibly trying to find the words to break it down to me easily.

"Yeah..?" I was kinda getting impatient with her. She had the whole week to find how to tell me what was bothering her and yet she had nothing? Pfft.

She took in a deep breath. "I'll tell you when we have some breakfast, yeah?" She said kindly.

"Yeah, sure." I turned to her and walked outside and headed to the Toyota parked right in front of the house. When I got to the back seat I immediately put on my earplugs and blocked the world with The A Team by Ed Sheeran. It was always like that whenever we got out together to do some chores, or just run by the office where aunt Jessica worked.

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