Back To Life

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After taking a shower and talking to my mirror.... yes I'm that crazy. I went to the ground floor kitchen and did a double take. Everything was covered in flour. Including Aunt Jessica from head to toe.

"What did you do in here? It looked like a tornado made of flour just came and went.'

"Hahaha very funny. Please note the sarcasm. Actually, I was just trying to be a good aunt so I tried making pancakes but the stupid sack of flour I was carrying ripped and it so happened that the ceiling fan was on full blast. Shit! That means I'll have to clean the kitchen before the business meeting!"

I guess that's my cue to laugh. If this was  publicly shown to the world, I bet people would think we're crazy due to the scene that is currently being shown.

I mean who wouldn't think we were crazy if they saw a lady who looked like she had run out of tissue rolls to dress herself as a zombie and decided to use flour instead and a girl who has horrible fashion sense rolling on the floor while clutching her stomach and laughing like there's no tomorrow.

And that's when my aunt started chasing me around with a sharpened knife. Childish for a 40-year-old woman, the knife I mean. A chainsaw would be so much better... Not saying that I wanted my limbs to be sawed off from its original place.






Okay, maybe I wanted to see how it feels like but that's what you get if you were friends with psychoes-loving-pain people in your previous town ... namely emo people (a/n no offense to you guys who are emo. Please don't slaughter me in my sleep ... but you can do it in your dreams *wink wink*)

Back to my terrifying aunt, I quickly ran back to my personal floor into my bedroom and locked the door. For some reason, I felt like I was in that horror movie 'Friday, the 13th' but instead of the weird man with the white mask, it was my aunt. (Another a/n I never watch that movie so I'm just making assumptions. Don't blame me if I'm wrong) She really needs to do something about her morning stress.

I took my schoolbag and open the door quietly and sneaked downstairs making as little noise as possible. Once I reached the front door, I slipped through it and thanked my awesome ninja skill.

I stepped on my skateboard and began skating to school. Just because I wanted a car so much doesn't mean that I needed to stay loyal to that dream forever.


Placing my skateboard into the locker, I slammed it shut as hard as I could. The reason why you asked. That damned locker kept me in the hallway for 30 minutes trying to close the locker door without breaking it because I don't want to be responsible if I accidentally break school's property but after the what could be million slam, I didn't give a shit about it anymore.

''Are you sure you're a girl cause you look like you could punch the daylights out of a guy in one power pack fist,'' I heard a familiar yet very irritating voice said.

''Do you want to find out if I can ?'' I asked Damien and the idiot just had to nod his head. Well too bad, he was in for a nasty surprise. I walked closer to him and kneed him where the sun didn't shine. Damien crumpled to the floor in pain while people around us gasped - mostly girls - the boys just stared with their mouth wide open before falling into fits of laughter.

The mighty Damien who was known for his playboy ways and jerky attitude, brought down to his knees by a newbie, who's a girl, nonetheless. Tsk, tsk shame on you Damien. The bell rang, signaling that first period was about to begin. Everyone went their separate ways except for Damien's forever loyal fan girls who tended to him while glaring daggers at me. Hey, it wasn't my fault. He had it coming.


The chorus of 'I knew you were trouble' sung by Taylor Swift pierced through the air interrupting Mrs Yoanna's monotone voice. Everyone turned their heads left and right trying to find the source of the music.

After scrambling for my bag and dismissing whoever was calling me, Mrs Yoanna strided towards me. I gulped and heard whispers and mumbling going around the classroom.

''I would appreciate it if you silenced your phone,'' she said surprisingly calmly. I thought teachers would usually scream at their students, give them detention and stuff.

''Yes, Mam'' I replied earnestly.

''Stay back after school and clean up Laboratory 5. A student accidentally put too much pottasium into a chemical and it exploded.''

Okay I took my words back. She was a spawn of Satan.

I'm pretty sure I looked weird with my jaw touching the ground which earned snickers from the girls. ''In your face, Winters! That's what you get for kneeing me in the *toot* this morning.''

Guess who said that. I'll give you hints. Playboy, jerk, idiot. If you said Damien. Congrats, here's a cookie. If you didn't guess it right, better luck next time.

''Damien will stay and help Emerald to clean up the laboratory - take that look off your face Damien, your fault for shouting in my class and Emerald you just won yourself a ticket to a one week worth of detention.''

Cleaning and detention were okay with me but if you add in Damien then get ready for hell breaking loose.

Why does my life have to be so unfair?

Wait, refreshing my memory... when did life ever became fair to me ever since my parents passed away.

Well, I had better suck it up and get on with my stupid life.


Author's note

I know this isn't good since this is my first time doing this including Chelly and Anna. Kimmy.. well she was the one who thought that we should do this and she is currently writing two books now. And she would seriously appreciate it if you guys would read her books even if it is just one chapter. The name of the books are "high school is an endless torture" and "twisted fairytale". BTW let's not call me giraffe. And sorry for all grammar mistake. If you don't understand some parts just comment then I'll explain it to you.

Well, that's about it. Hope you will bear with us for the rest of the story.

Read, Review and Vote for us. We'll need it. Critiscism are allowed for this chapter. Not sure bout the others though.


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