New Town. New Life. New Identity.

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"You have got to be kidding me." I took my earpiece out and stared at my new house.

"Well? Do you like it?" Aunt Jessica asked while staring through the windshield at the house right in front of us.

After 5 hours of car ride, ignoring Aunt Jessica's question, I went out of the car as quick as I could, feeling nauseous, trying to stand stably but failed and fell unto the stony ground dirtying my new yellow colored jeans.

"Hey yellow jeans girl! Are you alright? Because I think the earth shook a little!" A semi deep voice shouted from a far, followed by a group of guys laughing.

'What a jerk!' I thought to myself as I took a quick glance at him. So this is how I get welcomed to a new town? Well that's a very pleasant way for an impression.

Ignoring those jerks physically; I got up and patted my jeans trying to get those weird tiny rocks off my jeans. I went to the car boot knocking the windscreen at the back waiting for Aunt Jessica to open it.

"Go inside and explore first, it wouldn't be too late to unpack your stuff later." Aunt Jessica shouted from inside of the car.

'Great. Just great. Now I have to waste my time exploring this stupid house, my grades are starting to fall already!' Being annoyed by those jerky guys, my whole mood was spoiled.

I went inside the house exploring every corner of the house. "You get the whole 3rd floor you know." Aunt Jessica appeared behind me. I couldn't believe what I heard, my whole life dream is to own the whole floor and this is the day where the miracle comes.

The room was approximately 94 feet each side, that was ONLY the room. The living room was about 70 feet each side, including a mini kitchen about 50 feet beside the living room. Without hesitation, I shouted "I'll take it!" and ran down to the car and took all of my stuff. 


"Class, meet Emerald... So Emerald, do you have anything to say about yourself?" My class teacher introduced me to the class; I shook my head as she asked me to take a seat.

I stared at a dark brown hair guy with honey Brown eyes, surrounded by girls and boys... well, mostly girls. 'Is that the jerk yesterday?' I thought to myself while taking a seat.

After class, the jerk came to me and asked for my name. "Do you not remember me?" I asked while staring at him rudely, "Woah chill baby girl, there's so many fine women like you in town." I pushed him aside and went to my locker.

My locker was half opened when that jerk came and close it again saying "So what's your name, sweetie?" Seriously jerk? Leave me alone already! "Get away; I'm not changing the fact that I like yellow jeans." He walked away like he's in doomed or something.

The girls around him glared rudely at me as if they're saying 'Ugh, who does she think she is? Treating him like that.'  


"TA-DA!" Aunt Jessica said while getting down from the car after picking me up.  

I was still trying to get my head in the situation, I stared at a car, a silver colored KIA Cadenza.

You might think its weird but I've always been a fan of KIA, I squeaked a little and Aunt Jessica said "Glad you like it, its yours after you get your driving license done."

I quickly went into my room and threw my bag onto my bed. I checked my calender and my birthday is just 3 weeks away! I was so happy I forgot my bag is on the bed and jumped on the bed. My bag fell onto the wooden polished floor when I heard a box sound hitting something.

"What could that be?" I asked myself. Curiously, I opened up the zip and checked inside, there was a nicely wrapped box with colorful tiny petals wrapping paper.

"Who put this into my bag? I hope it's not some weird geeky guy!" I told myself that and opened it up. Turns out it was just a pop-out clown box, I jumped back and threw it away.

A yellow post-it note gently fell unto the ground. I went and pick it up, I sat on the floor at the same time because I was too lazy to get up.

'Hey yellow jeans girl. What about Friday night? -Damien'

"Who the hell is Damien? Yellow jeans girl? Ugh, don't tell me its that jerky guy, with his hat facing backwards, thinking he's so cool and stuff." I said to myself, again. He's driving me up the walls! With anger from being annoyed, I tore the paper into pieces and threw it into the bin.

"Who does he think he is? Does he think that every girl wants him? EW. I don't even know what's with those people around him!" I rage while thinking how jerky he could be.


"O.M.G!! I got my driving license! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!" I shouted out from my window. I went and drove my car around the city, 'Now I can finally go somewhere MYSELF and no complaints in the car will be heard!' I thought to myself, feeling free as a bird.

I drove myself to school that day, feeling fantastic, I think I could just drive forever! "Wow, new car?" That same semi deep voice spoke to me. Immediately knowing who it is, I ignored Damien the jerky guy.

He began to walk beside me and keep repeating "Why are you ignoring me?" I couldn't hold it in anymore, but instead of shouting at him, I decided to wear my earpiece, escape the world and calm down instead.

As I began to sink into my own world, I went to a world of the other side, I've begun to realize that Aunt Jessica is starting to treat me better. My grades aren't going any higher. My parents wouldn't want to see me like that. "I want you to remember what Mary McCarthy said, 'We all live in suspense, from day to day, from hour to hour, in other words, we are the hero of our own story.' " A gentle voice came into my head, almost like an angel... The voice of my mother.

I took off my earpiece and went to find Damien, I smiled at him and said "Have a great day." He stared at me weirdly like I've gotten possessed.

From that day onwards, when I'm officially 16, I have decided to have a new life in a new town with a new identity of my own.

"Emmy, get your lazy ass out of bed and get down here!" Aunt Jessica hollered from the kitchen. 'Was that only a dream?' I thought to myself. I've learnt what I have to learn from this dream, I'm going to change myself from today onwards.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hey guys!

It's what-they-call-me Anny! Sorry if it's a little short/boring. If there's any grammar mistakes, please DO let me know so I could correct them :) I know, I know, my grammar/story writing skills isn't as good as Kimmy or Chelly and Cally too. But hey! I'm trying! I WILL get there one day. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, don't forget this isn't the ending, so don't be too disappointed that it's just a dream.

Follow my original account CasuallyBeingMe!

Bye People! Have a great day!

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

-Matthew 7:7

p.s. I'm trying my best to find a nice verse for you readers, so please, this wasn't meant to offend non-Christians. It is for everyone!


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