Peace Offering My Arse

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I slammed my locker shut once again. I swore, it was the same routine everyday. Not like I was complaining or anything, I just wished oh so deeply that Damien wasn't in that little routine of mine. I couldn't even think about him without resisting the urge to puke, heck, I couldn't even voice out his name in my mind without wanting to gag.

I still couldn't believe that I was stuck to be in the same room with him for two Fridays. Well, stuck in a room with him without any other witnesses. I could have easily attempted his murder.

Kill him with his back turned.

Take his belongings and give it to some hippy rainbow guy.

Hitch a hobo shuttle bus and make my way out of town.

Change my name and my whole past.

Live happily ever after as a homeless person living under a million dollop bridge.

See? It was that damn simple.

"Thinking about me?" A voice whispered by my ear, making me jolt up in surprise, even though he's been doing that whole whisper-by-surprise thing for a while. I could have yelped in surprise for thousands of times and he would still smirk at my reaction.

Ass hole.

"What was that?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at my silence. Damn, I said that out loud didn't I?

"Nothing" I calmly said and began pacing to the music studio for class. The last thing I saw of Damien was his famous, arrogant smirk. It made me want to beat the heck out of him, but alas, someone declared a no fighting rule in the school book. Damn you teachers.

"You think I'm dreamy, don't you?" He hollered from behind me, and that made me stop in my dead tracks and slowly turned to him with a "dafuq?" look on my face.

"Jerk face said what?" I was surprised my voice was calm, but I was afraid that it was as calm as it could get.

"You heard me. You think I'm desirable" He winked at me causing me to lung at him and roughly hit his back with a random locker near by with my hand clutched onto his shirt. I may have looked innocently, but I was seriously not.

"And what made you get that idea, smart ass" A glint of sarcasm at the word "smart ass" but I barely thought he noticed.

"Cause of my looks, personality, charms-"

My laughter interrupted his listing as he said charms. Damien Peters did NOT have charms, nor the looks, and an ape's personality was better than his. People were staring at me like I was some kind of mental person, or better yet, a human being with three heads. Yeah, seemed legit.

"Okay, seriously. What made you think that?" I deliberately asked once again and I swore I saw his eye twitch in annoyance. Oh boy, he was that full of it huh?

"I am to dashing and boldly handsome! You're just jealous, that's it." And with that, my laughter had grown louder. Mexico could probably hear me. If they were;

"HI MEXICANS" I waved at a random direction, chuckling a bit. I heard an exasperated sigh and turned to see Damien Peters walking off to a different direction. I felt triumphant at the time. Victory! I would have done a victory dance, but I was already as late as I was.


I dashed through the corridor, completely ignoring the other people who had free periods to wonder around the school. Lucky bitches, and man whores. Most of those people had either been jocks or cheerleaders, and while I was running to the music studio that was in the other building, I was certain I saw a clown wave at me with that creepy smile clowns always had. Always...

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