Chapter 24- Sloth

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It had been 3 days since the night at the school, and 2 days since my little chat with Allison. I hadn't realized it, but my body had been so wrecked from all of the healing and protecting that I had done at the school that I slept for almost two days straight. My body only woke itself up when it smelt food, and then went back to sleep. I couldn't complain much though because sleeping and eating were arguably my two favorite things, as goes for most teenagers. 

I hadn't really heard from anyone. I knew that they had cancelled school for two days to do repairs and investigate, so I didn't have to worry about missing anything. Allison, Scott and Stiles had each texted me a few times to see how I was, but I was usually asleep when this happened so I never really got back to them. Even though I didn't think Derek had a phone, I was surprised, and a little worried, that I hadn't heard from him either. I thought the wound had been healing normally, but now I wasn't so sure. 

Going to school tomorrow was going to be such a bitch, and not just because it was school. Tomorrow was a full moon and I didn't really think I was prepared for another one. 

I sat up in bed, trying to force myself to move around and stop being such a sloth. I didn't get much further than that though, because even the action of sitting up left me exhausted. I was starting to worry that something was wrong with me. I didn't have a handbook for this, so how was I supposed to know if I'd done something wrong? Could using these abilities kill me? I had no idea, and that was what terrified me the most. 

On the first day of my sleep fest, my mom had woken me up to call Carly, but she had told me much the same as she had the other day. She didn't know much about my powers because it had been kept to the reincarnate in the past. I watched my mom worry for a little bit, but I got tired and went back to sleep. 

When I had gotten back from Allison's, I told my mom everything, leaving out the part about Derek staying overnight. Or even coming into our house at all. It didn't seem important. I felt like since she knew what was going on with me, it was only right to be honest with her. And even though she didn't understand as much as she wanted to, it was so unbelievably comforting to know that my mother was there for me when I needed her. 

I looked around my room. It was getting dark out, leaving my room cast in shadows. It was the type of daylight that was just bright enough for you to be able to see, but just dark enough to need light. The days were getting shorter and shorter as time went by, reminding me of how long I had been here. 

I heard a knock on my door, stirring me from my thoughts. 

"Come in." I said, but my voice sounded raspy from lack of use. I squinted my eyes as someone opened the door just a crack and the hall light poured in, assaulting my eyes. I watched as Tyler popped his head around my door. 

"You have a visitor." he whispered. 

"Okay." I whispered back mockingly. I rubbed my eyes as he let the person in. When I opened them I was surprised to see Stiles standing in the middle of my room. Well, maybe not too surprised, but surprised none the less. Tyler was leaning against the door frame, watching us. 

"Maebh?" Stiles asked hesitantly. "How are you feeling?"

"Mmm, tired." I said, feeling my eyes drift close again. I patted the bed in front of me, motioning for him to sit. It took a lot of energy and I had to keep my eyes closed a little longer to fight off the lightheadedness.

"Oh really?" he asked lightly, like he was talking to a little kid, or someone who wasn't really concious. But who knows, maybe I wasn't. "Are you sure that's all? Because I've heard that you've basically slept for the past two days."

I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with concern. When I glanced at Tyler, his  face wore the same expression. 

"You two are being such worry worts."I grumbled, and thye both laugh. 

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