Chapter 14- Our History is the Mystery

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I just stared at my mom. 

"Seriously, Mom? I'm exhausted." I told her tiredly. "You waited too long for your oppurtunity. Now you can wait until tomorrow." I said, turning away from her and walking towards the steps. 

"Maebh!" she hissed in a panic. "No, you need to know now!"

I was half way up the stairs already, so I turned around and glared down at her. "Why? Because it's convenient for you?" I sneered at her. I Knew I was being extremely rude, and that she probably didn't deserve it, but my patience that had been tested all day was now non-existent. 

"Because I can see that it's already happening." she said quietly. She started walking up to me, and I waited for her. When she got to me, she knelt down to the ankle with the tattoo and rolled up my jeans. 

"Mom, I can explain-" I rushed out. 

"No. You can't" she said sharply, cutting me off. "And that's what we need to talk about."

"Mom, I'm so tired that I'm dizzy. I wanted to have the conversation all day, but I probably won't understand anything you say to me now." I told her honestly. She continued to stare at the mark on my ankle. 

"Fine, we'll talk tomorrow." she said, standing up. She looked me dead in the eyes. "But know that you're different Maebh." she said vaguely, something I had heard already from Deirdre. "You're barely even human." she whispered, and walked past me to her room.

I stood there shocked. Clearly I had done things out of the ordinary, maybe even unexplainable. But did that make me inhuman? I could feel a dull ache began in my head. Not the kind Deirdre makes, but I had no doubt that she would appear in my dreams with some cryptic message. I turned and headed to my room. I changed and collapsed onto my bed. 

Before I passed out, I considered taking NyQuil in hopes of skipping the dreaming looming above me, but deicded it against it. 

I closed my eyes and prayed for a dreamless sleep. 


I was walking through a stone bridge. It was long, as if it was more than a hallway, with a wooden roof poiting at the top and pillars down the entire length of the bridge so you could look out of it. It seemed to be a beautiful sunny day wherever I was. I was back in that medeival time capsule that I always visited. 

I heard quiet footsteps and turned to see a man about my age walking towards me. He bowed his head in greeting. 

"Miss." he said with a smile that stole hearts. He was about a foot taller than me with warm brown eyes and dark red hair. 

"Hello Alroy." I said pleasantly. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I asked him, and motioned for him to walk. We were halfway down the bridge. 

"To whom, my Queen." he told me. "Your dearest Ailill has requested your presence." he informed me, looking straight ahead. 

Queen!? What the hell! 

"Do I look as if I function on his beck and call, Alroy?" I said playfully. I could tell that I was good friends with this person, because it was not how I normally acted towards people. Besides, as a Queen, I guess I thought I wasn't supposed to talk to people or something. Who knows. I had no idea what was going on. 

"Not at all, my Queen." he said with another smile. "But I believe it would be to your benefit." he said conspiratorily. 

"Hmmm, my benefit you say?" I asked, turning to him as we reached the end of the bridge. There was a small clearing surrounded by trees, with a small road that cut between them. "Well, I will return to him once I have finished my current engagement." I told him, and began to turn away, but I saw something move in out of the corner of my eyes. I turned to see a man standing between the trees holding a crossbow, aimed at me. Before I could say anything, Alroy looked at the man and slid to stand in front of me as the man let go of the arrow. I saw Alroy flinch as the arrow pierced his shoulders. 

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