Nightmare 2.0

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I sat on the plane and watched the turbine spin. Then, out of nowhere, a bird flew into the spinning machinery. The turbine sputtered, then burst into flames. The plane was slowly going down, and there was no stopping it. The front of the plane blew up, causing plane debris to fly at everyone. One of the bigger chunks was flying towards my face, when Preston pushed me out of the way. The sharp pice of metal flew strait into his forehead. He fell to the floor, blood pouring out of his head. "Preston! No!" I shouted. Not again. My entire family was going to die right in front of my face, again. I laid my head down in Preston's chest and cried.

Then I woke up. My head shot up, straight into Preston's head. He was shaking me. He rubbed his forehead with a worried look on his face. I felt cool liquid running down my face, and identified that as a mixture of tears and sweat.

"Are you OK?" Preston asked me. I shook my head yes and looked around. The turbines were still spinning, and the plane pilot was still flying. I saw annoyed looks coming from the other passengers. "What happened?" Preston asked me, still looking worried.

"You died!" I cried into his chest, only this time, there was no blood. He hugged me tight and rocked me the best he could while we were strapped in the seats.
"Shh, it's OK. I'm still alive." He cooed. I explained the nightmare to Preston while he rocked me. I noticed that Rob had started to rub back. I noticed the rest if the pack leaning in to hear what happened. Then the speaker announcement came on.
"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking, we are about to land. We hope you enjoyed your flight." The pilot informed us. I jumped with joy the best I could, witch was a little difficult, being strapped to the chair and all. When the plane landed, I ran off and checked that everyone was there.
"Mitch, check. Jerome, check. Preston, check. Rob, check. Vikk, check. Lachlan, check. Good, no one died." I said with a smile. Everyone laughed with me. I was glad I got to keep my family for a little bit longer.

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