Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV:

Harry pushed into me and the stretch sent a painful burn up my spine. I felt the tears fall down the sides of my face and I tightly squeezed his hand. Harry kissed my tears.

"I love you Zayn." I said and my breath hitched in my chest, my heart racing. I cried even more, gripping onto his biceps. "I'm sorry! I'll stop!" Harry said and made a move to pull out. 

"No, that's not why I'm crying." I whispered, tangling my fingers in the hair at the bottom of his neck.

 "Then wh-" I cut him off with a kiss.

 "I love you too Harry. So much." Harry's face lit up and a tear fell down his cheek.

 "I...I n-never thought I'd hear you say those words to me..." I wiped the tear away and pulled him down for another kiss.

"Make love to me." I whispered against his lips and he nodded, gripping my hand again. He slowly rolled his hips and the pain turned into pleasure. "Harry..." I moaned and he buried his head in the crook of my neck.

"God Zayn, you feel so good." Harry moaned loudly in my ear.

"I love you Harry." I panted as I dragged my nails down his back and his thrusts picked up a bit. "I'm gonna cum Harry." I cried out and he pressed his lips to his neck.

"Hold it baby. I'm almost there." Harry thrusted a few more times and we were both screaming each other's names as we came. We laid there for a minute, panting and catching our breaths. Harry pulled out and roughly pressed his lips to mine, sighing. "Let's go wash up." He said quietly and we got up, going into the bathroom to shower.

            *       *        *

Harry and I laid in my bed, tangled in each other's arms. My head was in the crook of his neck and my fingers were drawing random patterns on his bare hip.

"I meant it." I said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Meant what?" Harry said and pulled back a little bit to look at me.

 "When I said I love you. I meant it, I really do. I always have, I just never wanted to admit it because I was scared of the feeling. But... I love you so much. You have never left me hanging; you've always been there for me. I'm so glad of that. If you weren't in my life, I don't know what would've happened to me." I paused and looked up at him. He smiled and put a hand on my cheek.

 "I've got you; nothing's gonna get you. We'll get through anything." He whispered and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm so in love with you Harry Styles." I said, my voice cracking a little.

 "I'm so in love with you too Zayn Malik." Harry said with a huge smile. He leaned down, kissing me lovingly and wrapped his arms around me, making me feel truly safe at last. 


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