Chapter 3

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Meredith knew it was her alarm clock. Monay.  School. New School.

"That's just great" she mumbled.

She stepped out of her bed and walked to the bathroom with her eyes half open. The door was locked.

"COME ON!" she said.

"You're just gonna have to wait." Isaac said from the bathroom.

She went to Melissa's room and got into bathroom from there, since Mel's room and the bathroom were connected.

"Good morning" Mer said.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT" Isaac screamed from the shower.

"Calm down, it's not like I'm gonna shower with you. You're not that hot anyway." Mer smirked "And BTW when are you gonna finish? I need a shower too."

Isaac came out of the shower all wet, with his beautifully made body wraped in a towel.

"Whatever" he said and left.

She smiled and did what she had to do in that bathroom. When she was all done, she went downstairs for breakfast.

She started eating her cereal and then she heard Isaac coming downstairs.

He said "You wouldn't know where my white t-shirt with a feather is, would you?"

Mer just looked down at her outfit and gave Isaac the "I'm wearing your shirt, please don't kill me" smile.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" Isaac asked confused.

"Because I like it." Mer replied.

"I wanted to wear it. You can't take my stuff like that." Isaac said

"Well, you're moody. I just borrowed it. And plus it looks better on me."

She was wearing that shirt with a high low coral skirt and on her feet she had Jeffrey Campbell shoes.

He just said "Whatever."

Meredith was annoyed with "whatever." All he ever said to her was "whatever". It was annoying.

Scott came and said  "Stiles is driving you to school today. I'm going with my motorcycle with Isaac."

"Okay" Mer grinned.

A car was coming into their driveway and Scott said  "If it's a 1985 jeep it's Stiles"

"Cool." Mer smiled.

She got in the jeep and said  "Dude your car is pretty awesome. What's up?"

"Woah, so now you're this pretty girly girl. When I knew you people were asking me if you were a girl or a boy." Stiles said.

"Shut up. And by the way, I'm truly sorry for the traumas I caused you when we were kids." Mer laughed

"Forgiven." he smiled.

"So how you've been? Where's your dad? And is there someone special in your life....?" Mer smirked

"I've been fine. Dad's the sheriff now, if you didn't know." He replied

"That is awesome. But you didn't answer my last question." Mer teased him

Stiles smiled shyly  "No girl...."

"Whatever you say." Mer said

"And we're here." Stiles stopped the car, "See you later, bye"

As I walked through the door, there was this ginger girl and a taller burnette next to her.

"Hello, you must be Scott's cousin. I'm Allison." the burnette said

"I'm Meredith. Nice to meet you."

"And I LOVE your outfit. It's very boho, I'd say." said the ginger

"And that's Lydia." Allison added.

"And your hair, OMG, it's so pretty. I've never seen a pretty blonde hair like that before. We should be friends." the ginger continued.

"Definitely" Mer added.

"What's your first period?" Lydia asked

"English." Mer replied.

"Mine too. Let's go." Lydia grabbed Mer's hand as they walked together.

"You can sit with us at lunch. I mean, if you want to." Lydia said.

"I'd love to." Mer replied.

Mer got through the day somehow. School wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. But hey, one friend on the first day is good, right? She got 2. As Lydia said, sine Mer's IQ is over 150 they are officially best friends. And Allison was nice too, definitely shy but really nice.

She got in bed, wondering now more than ever, what's her life gonna be like here. She closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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