chapter twenty

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  • Dedicated to Anne-Marie Qorro

                        Chapter twenty

After a few minutes of waiting and listening to the rain hit the ground continuously, the door opened and it was a boy in his teenage years that looked at us with interest. Preston spoke, “hey, car broke down. I need a phone”

“sure.” He mumbled and stepped out of the way to let us inside. It was welcoming and warm exactly what we needed now after being in the rain for over twenty minutes needless to say that I had enjoyed it a bit.

The teenager treated like he knew us and I just had to ask Preston if he did know him. “Yeah...he is Ivan’s younger brother. He doesn’t go to our school.”

“So this is Ivan’s house?”

“No...This is his aunt’s place. K just stays here.” As he answered he dialled the numbers of whoever would come to pick us.

My eyes turned to learn more of the house we were in. It was just as boring as any other house so as I waited for Preston I found myself the main object of attention from k. I raised my eyebrows and smiled at the same time which was odd but hell.... “My cousins left a few clothes here before they moved out...I’m sure they would fit you.”

I agreed. It was either that or this wet clothes keep on cringing on to my skin.

A few minutes later I was dry and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I found Preston in dry clothes too. He looked at me for a while before he spoke, “Nate will be here to pick us up fifteen minutes top.” There was edginess in his voice.

“Okay, can’t wait to go back home but I had a great night.”

“I told you, you would.” There was a bit of arrogance as he spoke but I did not mind, it added to the charm.

   “Yeah and now that I have you are going to be bragging the rest of the week...” I shrugged easily.

At the same time he moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to his side. “I never brag angel...”

“And what do you do?”

“Make the most of it....” even though I could not see his face I knew he was smiling. I looked around the room realizing k had already left us alone. “Come on.”

“Where are you taking me now?”

“On the porch, there’s something I have to tell you.”

My heart stopped for a brief second. It really did and I knew this was it... he was going to tell me...everything.

I followed beside him but in a much slower movement dreading what was to come. I don’t even know why I was dreading the moment. Wasn’t this what I wanted? For him to tell me and for me to end this... well life was confusing.

On the porch, we were in silence for a couple of minutes. I stared at the rain pouring down violently now as if trying to fight with the earth.

I breathed in, “What did you want to tell me?”

He sighed and slightly squeezed my left hand which he was now holding. “What I believe in.”

I breathed out and in again feeling the moment exactly as it was. He turned to me and our eyes that moment the connection was deeper than it had ever been. My heart was singing a wild duet with my insides as they all got tingly and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach became even more intense.

The need to feel his lips on mine came out of nowhere and before he could say anything or before I could think better of what I was about to do, I moved to and stood on my tip toes and pulled him closer to me.

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