Harry Styles can't drive

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Victoria's P.O.V.

All that was heard was the sound of our moans as his lips engulfed mine. His hands crawls up my shirt, swiping underneath my bra.

"Louis, sweetheart?"

"Yeah?" he replies, not even thinking clearly.

"That's not a good idea, honey."

That snaps him out of it. "Why not?" he says.

"Because if you don't stop, this might lead to something else. I can hardly contain myself."

Louis' P.O.V.

Knowing that my touch was making it hard for her to contain herself turned me on. A lot. "Fine. As long as you stop talking like that, because it's hard for me too."

She smiles seductively while rubbing her hand up and down my abdomen. "Well, you'll just have to suffer through it. I need to have my way with you."

Jada's P.O.V.

I sit down on the couch in the living room where Harry is seated watching TV. I naturally take the spot on the opposite side. There's no need to sit close to my kidnapper.

"Whatcha watchin'?" I ask.

"Lion King. It's one of my favorite movies!" He says turning to look at me joyfully.

"Mine too!" I exclaim happily. "Where are the rest of the guys?"

"Knowing them, Liam is probably cleaning his room and Niall is probably eating food." He says laughing.

"That reminds me!" I say. "Vic never got to eat her breakfast!"

"Well, there may be a plate of food still in the kitchen." He says getting up. "I know the way to Lou's place and we can bring it there"

~~~~~Time skip to driving to Louis' house~~~~~~

We were driving down the road in complete silence before I noticed Louis' car in an empty lot.

"Harry pull into that empty lot!" I say as he turns "That's Louis' car!"

"Why would they be in an empty lot?" he says. I turn to him, and I can see him starting to realize what might be going on.

"Are they a couple, or something?" he asks.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Ummm, no," Jada says nervously. Either she is not good at lying, or she didn't have time to come up with a lie yet.

I jump out of the car before Jada can stop me and run to the car. Lou and Vic don't even see me. However, I see them.

"What the hell??!!" I say when I get there. Vic and Lou break apart.

Jada's P.O.V.

I was too lazy to run after Harry, so I just sat in the car. I saw him run to the car and drag Vic out. He says something to Louis and Louis nods, and then drives off.

"Umm, Jada? You were supposed to stop him from finding out! Why didn't you get your butt out of the car and run after Harry?" Vic says when she gets in the car. "I was too lazy," I say. No use in lying.

She rolls her eyes and turns to Harry, who is in the front seat driving. "Don't tell anyone about this! Got it?"

"Why not??" Harry asks. This guy is completely clueless. Even more clueless than Vic.

"Because if you do, I will cut every single lock of your beautiful, luscious hair. And I will burn it while you watch in horror." She says in a creepily calm voice.

"NO!!! NOT MY HAIR!" Harry says taking both of the hands off the steering wheel to protect his curly locks. We end up ramming the car in front of us who, ironically, turned out to be Louis. Well, I mean I haven't seen his face yet, but I heard someone scream "BLOODY HELL!" and I think the guy flipped us off... yep definitely Louis.

"Ahhhh." Victoria yells as the impact caused her to fall into the floorboards. She couldn't get back up because she was still in handcuffs. I am still too lazy to help her.

"CAN NO ONE IN THIS BOYBAND DRIVE A CAR?!" I yell frustrated as Louis approaches the car. I don't think he knows it's us yet...

Harry starts rolling down the window as Louis starts yelling angrily.

"Who is the idiotic peasant who rammed my ca-" He said before he stopped himself when he saw us. "HARRY WHAT THE HELL?!" he continues looking into the car confused.

"Where is Victoria?" He asks concerned. Awww he is worried about her!

"Uh. She fell into the floorboards..." I said looking at Vic who keeps glaring at me.

"And you didn't help her up?!" He says opening the car door.

"I was too lazy." I say shrugging my shoulders.

He scoops Vic into his arms. Luckily there were no other cars in the road or we'd be have police involved. Louis says, "Are you okay? I should have never let that idiot drive."

"Hey!!" Harry says in the background. "Well can you blame him??" I yell. Harry is the most vain person I've seen. "If you didn't care so much about your precious hair we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Well sorry for caring about my appearance," he says sarcastically.

"Well, from the looks of your outfit you don't care enough," I say, getting out of the car. If we are going to argue, I want to look him in the eye.

"OOOHHHHHHH!!!!" Vic and Louis shout. "You got roasted by the youngest person here!!" Louis shouts.

Harry says, "Who are you to talk about appearances? Your clothes look like they got ran over by a truck."

I roll my eyes. "That has got to be the most stupid comeback I've ever heard in my life. Why can't you just admit when you lose?" And with that, I got stalked to Louis' car. With the exception of a small dent, it looked fine. "I'm riding in your car, Louis. Because obviously Harry will be too busy looking into his vanity mirror to keep his eye on the road!" I get in the passenger seat of the car. I don't need to have to see Vic and Louis kissing in the front.

Harry's P.O.V

Woah. What just happened? Jada has spunk in her attitude. And I like it.

I don't need to like it. I'm her kidnapper for goodness sake! But, when she told me off at the car, she was so cute. And then she wasn't afraid to stand up to my face and say I was basically a vain jerk. It didn't sting as much coming from a cute face

I get back to the house to see Louis' car already here. How did they get in so fast? I open the door and see Louis standing in front of me. "You like her, don't you?" he says.

"What are you talking about?" I say, playing dumb.

"Ah, come on! I saw the way you looked at her when she roasted you. You like Jada."

"I DO NOT!!" I yell, and walk past Louis to see Jada in the living room. "You don't what?" she asks.

"Uhhh," I say, my mind going blank. I will distract her by telling a joke!

"Why can't the melons get married?" I say as I watch her adorably confused face.


"BECAUSE THEY CANTALOUPE!!" I yell as she doubles over laughing.

"You actually think my jokes funny?" I ask surprised. People don't tend to often.

"Well, I always laugh at corny jokes! I would've laughed even harder if it was actually funny!" She says wiping a tear from her eye.


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