Bandmembers can't drive

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We're back in the car from going to the dollar store. I gave Jada $20 and she spent it all on Reese's and Junior Mints. That girl loves her chocolate. That's the way to get her to shut up, because I haven't heard anything from her since she started eating.

"So when are ya'll gonna tell the others about your relationship?" Jada asks.

Never mind.

"Umm, not anytime soon," I say, hoping she leaves it at that.

She doesn't.

"Why not?" she asks.

"I thought we went through this Jada!" I exclaim. "The boys won't want me to be in a relationship with a girl who is that much younger than me. Plus, I doesn't help that I am her kidnapper." I say looking back at them.

"AHH. LOUIS KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!" Victoria screams as the car swerves.

"STOP BACKSEAT DRIVING!" I say turning around.

Victoria's P.O.V

"FINE. I'LL FRONTSEAT DRIVE THEN!" I say, "Scoot over Lou!"

"Victoria you can't just-" Louis tries to say as he reluctantly moves to the passenger seat and I start driving.

"VICTORIA! WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!" Louis exclaims as I hurry and change lanes.

"Dumb British people and their weird roadways!" I mutter under my breath. All I hear next is Jada cackling in the back seat. "Shut up, J!" I exclaim. This only causes her to laugh harder. "Fine!" I say. "Then you drive!"

"Gladly," she replies. I climb back into the backseat while Jada climbs into the front. She sits, takes the wheel, and drives perfectly toward the house. Damn Jada and her luck.

"I hear your thoughts, Vic."

"Oh yeah? What was I thinking?' I ask her.

"You were silently cursing me and my perfect ways."

What the hell??!! This girl has super powers or something!

She looks back at me and slyly grins.

I frown.

Jada's P.O.V.

I put the car in park and climb out. I get my chocolate out the back and turn around just in time to see Vic and Lou kissing. "That's SO GROSS, guys!!" I yell. Louis stops awkwardly, gets into the front seat, and cranks up the car.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask.

"Remember, we are starting the hiatus, so I am off to my house." He pauses before continuing. "We can't just go back or it will look suspicious. We'll visit next weekend."

I shrug my shoulders and make my way to the house before I yell back "MAKE SURE YOU USE PROTECTION!"

Vic's P.O.V

I roll my eyes and climb in beside Louis. "Do you think she'll ever be normal?" Louis asks playfully.

"I've known her since eighth grade and from what I've seen, no."

He smiles. I smile. We both smile. I lean in. He leans in. We...

"Look out!" I yell. He was almost on the curb of the sidewalk. I roll my eyes. "Some people just can't multitask."

"Yeah," he says in that sexy voice of his. He pulls over into an empty lot. He grins at me. "I don't want to try to multitask anymore."

Jada's P.O.V.

Before I can even knock, the door swings open. Niall is standing there looking confused. "Where's Victoria and Lou?"

"I don't know," I reply honestly. I know they told me , but I forgot.

"How could you not know?"

"Ummm, they didn't tell me?" I say, walking in.

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