I Have My American Rights

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A/N: And here we have fetus Lilo being adorable af.

I pressed my lips to her before she could get out another word. She shivered at my touch. She slipped her hand up my shirt and rubbed her hand along my abs.

"Baby, don't do that."

"Why?" she pouted. Damn, she was cute when she pouted.

"Because if you don't we'll end up doing something that isn't exactly legal. I'm not that strong, love."

She grinned evilly. "Well, darling, you're gonna have to be."

Victoria's P.O.V.

I kissed him harder while taking his hand and slipping it in my shirt. "Oh God," Louis gasped.

I smile against his lips and rub his hand over my bra.

"You're officially trying to kill me, aren't you?" he utters. I giggle. "Nope," I say. "Just doing what feels good."

"Guys?" a voice outside the door says. Louis and I immediately break apart. The door opens and Jada steps in.

"There you guys are!" she says. "I came to get you because the boys and I are going to..." she drifts off looking between Louis and me with wide eyes. She slowly grins.

"Oh snap! You guys totally just kissed! And by your rumpled clothing I'm guessing you did something else, too." She sprints yelling, "I gotta tell everyone about this!!" Louis easily catches her before she gets back out the door.

"No," he says. "You can't tell anyone about this."

"Why?" she asks.

"Well, Liam won't want Victoria to go with me during the hiatus if he found out. He and the rest of the boys definitely won't want another Brianna happening." Louis explained. I had wanted to avoid the subject of Louis and Brianna's baby...

"Are you suggesting that you would do that with Victoria?! My thoughts are officially confirmed." Jada says happily yet slightly disgusted.

"Well I gue-"Louis tried to say before I elbowed him in the ribs.

"I mean NO definitely NOT." He says a little too loud.

"I will only keep what happened a secret if you give me LOTS of chocolate!" She bargained.

"Fine I will tell Harry to get you some when he goes to the store." Louis agrees. Jada happily skips up the stairs leaving us alone again.

"Nice save." I say with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Hey! It is better than yours last time!"

"Oh, don't remind me! I was panicking! I didn't know how Jada would react!"

"I noticed! But we really should go shopping for you some clothes before you go with me on the break."

Before I could respond, my stomach growled.

"Well someone's hungry!" He laughs.

"I haven't eaten since..." I said trailing off.

"I don't remember you eating anything the entire time you were here!" He said in shock.

"Oh. I guess I forgot..."

"About eating?!"

"Well you guys never offered food and I didn't want to ask!"

"Why not?"

"I don't like asking people for things!"

"Well we need to get you some breakfast!" He said taking my hand and running up the steps.

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