I Had My First Paranoid Schizophrenic Episode?

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Stephanie's POV:

I'll start to awake for the sedative syringe and i was only remember the way i felt in that moment, obviously it wasn't good and then everything passed like in a slowly scenes of a bad movie. And i could remember everything i had like a paranoid schizophrenic attach.

And then i'll start to cry in an uncontrolable way.

"I have schizophrenia; i know cause this manifestate before 19 and i'm 16 and a half, please tell me Amanda maybe is necessary ask to Dr. Adrien Mckay and then follow his prescription ...oh Gosh...why..to me... maybe i need a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or something more.....Amanda can you call to him please?" - I'll ask to her.

Then Mat my supportive kiddo, my love and my fiancée come to me, he start to holding me in a supporting way and squeezing my hair.

"Mat, let me please?..i don't want you to see me in this state now..."

"Mr. Matthew if you want to stay you can cause she is your fiancée". -And he following talk but now he speaks to me-.

"Stephanie, i'm Dr. Adrien Mckay Stephanie can you hear me? Please answer to me!!". He moves his hand in front of me to see if i follow it with my eyes, but this is not happen and i have a lost look.

I couldn't talk and move like a petrify statue i still reading her lips but my mouth and my body don't respond.

"Mr. Matthew now i begg you. Can you go out to the room?" - In that moment Dr. Adrien Mckay give to me a medicament like an antidepressive and he give to me a sedative syringe again, about 30 minutes i start to feel the sensation in all my body.

"Ok, sir i understand" - And my fiancée go out to the room and wait out in the Hall.

Then he ring to his friends obviously he doesn't be in front of me for that reason i couldn't read his lips "Guys i'll need you come cause my fiancée is very ill and i need your supportive now".

"Don't worry Mat we come inmediatly cause we adore your fiancée, your Stephy and like always we're gonna stay with you. After we record the chapters of season 9 we come ok?" - All his friends tell him-. "Jeff Davies talk to us and he speak about if you need much time to come he's would talk with the directors about Spencer who's dessapear for a while cause he go's to visit his mom again to Los Angeles in Nevada cause she needs to see him in the mental institution. What do you think?.

Matthew are you here?"

"Yeah, my mind is with my fiancée cause i need to know if she has Schizophrenia or not. Tell to Jeff Davies i'll really appreciate a lot all he's doing for me. And i'll wait you guys thank's a lot and take care a lot of you".

"Take care you too Matthew and take care a lot to your fiancée. Bye."

"Bye guys". And he following talk to the nurse.

"Amanda can you talk with Dr. Adrien Mckay and tell him please cause i need to know how is the disease who affect her?". Then i wouldn't know more cause finally i'll begin to rest.

Matthew's POV:

I need to know what really happen to her? And what disease manifestate that symptoms?.

I'll start to ask to the Dr. if she really has Schizophrenia or not.

"She can desarrollate this disease but not necessary still be Schizophrenia, but her symptoms are very similar like the catatonic state she suffer right now and the other state like a paranoid schizophrenic she suffered before.

Only the treatment, i'll gonna give to her is very different to the usual a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy". - And he following talk - "Her mother is a paranoid schizophrenic?"

And i respond to him "Yes Dr. Mckay her mother is a paranoid schizophrenic, but my Stephy has depression and a lot of time she doesn't take her pills, i'll be so worry for that and i tell her that i could she follows her treatment but she doesn't want".

"This worst then; cause she hasn't Schizophrenia but she couldn't fight for live and go out to this state if she doesn't take her pills with much reason she needs this treatment i told you before and with her pills obviously" - And he ask me more about my lovely Stephy. "But i need to know more about her case to doing the things well. She take drugs or not?".

"Not now, but about three days she has an abstinence state too, until you talk about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy i gonna bring to her to an teenager centre of drugs Inspiration Teen Rehab. But she started about a month when her ex-boyfriend kidnapp, rape her and gave to she GHD and almost died he push her into a wall on the isolate place, he damage a lot her head, he left she in an agude state of hypothermia and with my friends we talked to 911 we come here and finally the Drs. safe her life but like they less her deaf like a secundary condition. She call a supuest friend of her Britanny and she bought to her ectasy cause my fiancée wants to felt the drug runs in her body, the girl was a lesbian and she try to kiss her but she didn't let she but my fiancée felt so dirty and with an escalpel she try again to commite suicide cuting her wrists and you put stitches in her wrists and she still like that".

"Like i told you before we need to make to her a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and her depression increase a lot cause she hasn't only a tipickly deppression she has a Bipolar deppresion and i need she stay here now until she recover to make to her a sucessfull Cognitive Behavioral Therapy please don't carry her to the centre. Cause i need talk to her and make the treament to stabilizase her mental illness ok?".

And i'll still following talk to him until my fiancée awake again for the sedative syrange and the depression pills.

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