Annoy Nessie :)

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10 Ways to annoy (teenage) Renesmee

1. Call the discovery channel (or something like that) and tell them Nessie is currently living in the house where you are in. When they arrive at the cullen residence make sure Renesmee opens the door. Go standing next to her and say. " Et voila! I present to you : Nessie!" (It would be even better if you could get Jake to call her Nessie at that moment XD)

2. Ask her if she'd like to take Jakes paw in marriage one day.

3. Don't invite Jacob on your wedding but do invite her and tell her it's a "Safety percaution"

4. Ask her if she thinks Jacob is hot while he is standing next to you (and they aren't together yet ;p)

5. Put a bottle of coca-cola in front of her and then take some blood Carlisle brought along from the clinic. Put both the fluids in a blender and give it to Renesmee, shouting "I call it: Essence of the Nessie!"

6. Tell her Bella wasn't sure if she was Edwards daughter or Jaspers

7. Make her quote Romeo and Julliet. If she can't, look dissapointed and say "your dad is a better vampire."

8. Put some vegetables in front of her and demand she looks at them. If se asks you why say you tink they might turn into chocolate like her eyes.

9. Make sure Emmet gives her "The talk" 

10. Ask her to stretch whenever a ribbon meter or a yardstick is near.


Hope u enjoyed it (personally this one is my favourite)

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