Ways to annoy The Cullens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1.) Take Jasper to an African American Support center and tell everyone there his full name.

2.) Talk in a really bad Texas ancient when around Jasper.

3.) Tell Carlisle that Esme has been having an affair with Aro Volturi

4.) Dangle Alice's favorite pair of shoes over your head when you are standing on the opposite side of the boundary line.

5.) Fill Edward's iPod with rap songs

6.) Fill Emmett's with classical

8.) Pay ten guys to look at Rosalie and go "Ewe"

9.) Spray paint Edward's car pink

10.) Tell him it was Alice's idea

11.) Then when he gets mad tell him that Bella likes it, just to calm him down

12.) Then suggest anger management classes

13.) Tell Jasper he should be a therapist

14.) Tell anyone of the Cullen's that they should go to a tanning salon

15.) Tell Rosalie that Alice is pregnant

16.) Tell her that it was Emmett who did it

17.) Tell Jasper the same thing

18.) Video tape the fight

19.) Then play it back for Carlisle

20.) Fill Edward's closet with team Jacob shirts


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