chapter 13

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(quick note everyone in the picture is what gohans ultra form looks like now that thats done enjoy the chapter)

planet k27

a baren red and rocky uninhabitable planet that resembled mars except twice the size of it, while many earth scientists believe the planet doesn't have life on it then they thought wrong

on the rocky land scape two ultras from m78 were in fighting stances getting ready to fight each other, one of them with the leo kanji on its stomach was ultraman leo the other with the ultra fusion brace on his left wrist was ultraman saiyan aka gohan, the half ultra had been training with leo for a month now so that he could travel the multiverse and be its protecter, not long after gohan got his ultra form did he start training his body but also his mind he also wanted to get used to living on his second home planet with earth being his first , and who could blame him the land of light was a beautiful place with buildings taller than the ones in west city and the other ultras treated him like he was one of them without any problems what soever, he had learned about how the ultras came to be and the different planets they had visited or the enemies that had fought, enemies that he never even heard of up until now, since the only evil aliens he's fought were the ginyu force frieza coolers armored squad and cooler himself, will not as much as his dad did because he was like 4 to 6 years old at the time and he still had his tail, the only downside of it was that gohan could't spend anytime with his mother since one of them had to go back to earth (manly chichi/beth) to make sure another enemy wouldn't harm the humans, it was to bad really the half saiyan really wanted his mother to train him since she used to be a martial artists to see what she knew, also so their friends wouldn't suspect anything was wrong, but chichi was still able to visit form time to time, and at times when she couldn't she would send ultra signs or send telepathic messages back to the space garrison to see how gohan was doing and hoping the leo wasn't to hard on him like piccolo was

leo shouting his name broke him out of his thought he looked to his left only to get punched in the face by leo's open palm, he regained his balance and shook his head then looked back at leo "never get distracted on a battle field, that distraction could cost you your life" said leo as he got into his fighting stance

"right sorry" said saiyan (gohans ultra forms name) as he got into his fighting stance, he then came at leo with kick which was blocked, he then threw a punch but leo grabbed his arm and made him do a kart wheel, then kicked saiyan on his left side but he caught it and made leo do a back flip than kicked him in his chest, that made him stumble back a little before doing a round house kick aimed at saiyans head but the half ultra ducked it at the last minute and did a swipe kick making leo fall of his feet "your skills are improving" said leo as he got up

"yeah will i was trained by a saiyan and a namekian after all" said gohan

"yep and i can see that they did a good job training you, but theres one thing they forgot to mention one thing" said leo confusing gohan, before he knew it he was on his back looking at leo who was standing above him "never get to cocky on the battle field, the enemy isn't always going to go down that easily" leo offered gohan a helping hand, he accepted and allowed leo to help him up, then leo grabbed saiyan and threw him on the ground, gohan quickly recovered and got up and ran at leo and aimed a punch at his abdomen, but it was blocked, leo then tried kicking saiyan but he back flipped out of the way, as the two started trading punches and kicks like there was no tomorrow, but leo quickly gained the upper hand since he was faster than gohan

as leo aimed a kick at saiyans head he ducked and counter it with one of his own, but leo caught it and threw him a couple of feet away, "not good enough" said leo

'man he's even harder on me than piccolo, but at least he leo nii-san never left on my own for six months' thought gohan before firing an energy blast form his hand towards leo, his mentor care wheeled out of the way before, before gohan attack again he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right side

"ok i think were done for the day" said leo as he walked towards saiyan and helped him up

"thank you" said saiyan earning a nod form leo, as the two ultras flew off to the land of light so they could rest form a long day of training

when they got there they headed for the space garrison head quarters, when they got there they were greeted by ultra mother and ultra father along with astra "your back early" said astra

"yeah we kind of had two, leo kind hit me a little two hard" said saiyan holding his side

"ultra mother can you heal him" said leo earning a nod form ultra mother who went up to saiyan "saiyan if you could please move your hand so i can see your injury" he did as he was told ad removed his hand

ultra mother then put her hand on his side and put some pressure on it to see if the injury would put his training on hold for awhile which he really hoped it didn't, if he wanted to protect the multiverse he would have to continue to train as hard as he can, light started to come out of ultra mothers hand, when it died down, gohan didn't fell any pain anymore, he turned to ultra mother and nodded

"thank you ultra mother" said gohan earning a nod from the lead medic

suddenly ultraman 80 with the help of yullian came rushing into the room in a beaten condition, and his color timer was blinking rapidly "80!" said Leo as he went to help yullian "what happened?"

"T-they came out of nowhere, I was just heading back from earth when all of a sudden a giant energy blast hit me" said 80 as they sat him down so that ultra mother could heal him "80 who did this to you" asked astra after ultra mother finished healing him he started to explain

"I don't know all I remember is that there were five of them and their appearances were hard to describe since my vision was so blurry, but before I rushed back here I heard one of them say 'good now on to earth, once we take over that planet the giant mans one is next' after that they disappeared I had assumed that they were on there way to earth, but before I could head back there my color timer started blinking" finished 80

"I understand thank you 80" said ultra father before turning to the ultra twin brothers "Leo, Astra you two are to head to earth immediately" he said earning a nod from the brothers but before they could leave gohan stopped them by saying "please let me go with them sir" he said in a pleading voice

"No your training is not yet complete" said ultra father

"i know but all of my friends and family are on earth, not no mention the innocent people on it, whats the point of being an ultra if i can't even protect my own home planet, even if moms their to help out" said gohan

"i support his request, he's a true ultraman worthy of being a part of the space garrison" said leo

"very well, i will allow it, but you must do this mission on your own" said ultra father

"thank you" said saiyan as he flew off

"well he be alright by himself?" asked ultra mother with worry in her voice

"don't worry, he has the heart and soul of a true ultra warrior, plus leo-nii san trained him so he should be ok" said astra earning and from both his brother and the supreme commander

"this may be his first training test as an ultraman" said ultra father as he looked up at saiyans  disappearing figure

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