chapter 5

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"huh goku" said krillin looking up at the sky in disbelief

"f-father" said gohan

"hey everybody its me king kais letting me talk to you guys from here in the other world so listen up this is bulma once said to me a long time ago, she said that it was like i drew bad guys words me thats why the earth is always in danger because most of the guys who attacked it were after me think about it frieza cell the androids" said goku making a few good points

"thats an interesting point" said tien

"man bulma is always saying too mush" said yamcha

"well i think it would be safer for the earth if i didn't come back this time king kai agrees with me two" said goku surprising everyone especially gohan "well i suppose" said king kai "listen as a saiyan baby i was sent to earth to destroy it and tho all my life i have tried to do the opposite its kind of like I've been full-filing that mission all along, so yeah I'm gonna stay in other world for awhile but there going to let me keep my body thats my reward for saving the earth ever since i was 6 years old and from what i hear theres lots of interesting people to meet i will be fun" finished goku

"another adventure" said piccolo with a smirk on his face

"kio-sama could ask one of the dragons to revive him but he's agreed to show me around here for awhile and keep me company until he's alive again, but it maybe it isn't fair for chichi and gohan but please don't bring me back to life this is my home now, gohans already a lot stronger than me now even if i train as hard as i could up here i still won't be able to reach him especially now that the other half of his powers is unlocked so theres nothing left for me to teach him" said goku "but that doesn't mean i don't need you" said gohan "i know son and I'm sorry that i won't be there to watch protect the earth and also I'm sorry your mother and i hid what the other half of what you are but-" started goku but was interrupted by gohan "you don't have to explain i already know" said gohan while looking down at the fusion brace "thats good to hear son and everyone be sure to take notes of everything thats happens in your life cause in a few years i'll hear all about it but until then goodbye my friends" said goku as his voice disappeared

the z warriors were left in silence still thanking about what goku just said the silence lasted for a few minutes until krillin broke it by saying "you know even tho he was saying goodbye it didn't make me to sad because he sounded happy about" said the bald monk

"yeah good old goku never changes" said yamcha

"yeah your right" said tien looking at the ground while having flashbacks about goku when he was a kid "and with each new adventure we are always left behind

"hmph goku has and always will be goku, he gave me a senseu bean when i was trying to kill him" said piccolo

"dad i know what i'll member abut you, i'll remember when we were up against frieze and we knew we could't win but you just walked right up to him and whenever things seem tuff for me i think of you walking forward like that makes me strong" said gohan thank you dad for everything"

"you have one wish remaining, and only one now speak" said shenron causing everyone to turn back to him

"gosh can anybody think of a good wish" said gohan

"i can never think of a good wish when the dragon is here" said mr popo "even i don't know what to wish for" said piccolo

"the wish now" said shenron growing impatient

"oh i know how about we all become filthy rich" said yamcha

"i'll wait no longer do you have a wish or not" said shenron "yes i have one i'd like for you to change 17 and 18 back into human beings so that they can live their lives together piece" said krillin waiting for an answer "this wish cannot be granted now, it is beyond my power to do so" said the scaly behemoth

krillin slumped his shoulders and said "sorry guys i tried"

"he no problem the girls cool but 17 i'd never wish that guy back would you guys" asked yamcha only to receive an answer from piccolo "sure haven't we already tried we wished all of cells victims back right and he was one of them besides what would goku do if he were in our shoes" "right i see what you mean alright you've got the floor buddy" said yamcha looking back at krillin

great thanks a lot yamcha could you take the bombs out of the androids bodies that should't be a problem right" said krillin while smiling up at the dragon

"yes i can" said shenron as his eyes began to glow after a few seconds the dragons eyes stopped glowing "there it has been done" said shenron "alright yes thank you very much" said krillin

"your welcome i must go now farewell" said shenron as his entire body started to glow and went back into the dragon ball once he did the dragon balls went into the sky and shot off into seven directions

"well what now" said yamcha

"we go our separate ways well i guess i'll be going now peace guys huh at last" said tien

"take care of your self bro" said yamcha

"goodbye tien and tell chiaotzu i said hi" said gohan waiving goodbye "yeah of course hey and guess what your the man of the house now gohan so take good care of your mother alright" said tien smiling "hey trunks go show those two androids what your really mad of if you need help well be here always"

"thanks you don't know how good it makes me fell to hear that" said trunks

"well until next time my friends see ya" said tien as he flew off of the look out and down to the world below

"well guys i guess its about that time" said yamcha

"yeah yamcha i guess we auto be going now" said krillin

"whats your plan trunks are you going back right away" asked gohan "no I'm going to get a good rest i will leave in the morning "said trunks "great we'll see you off okay" said krillin earning a nod from the future warrior

"what about you piccolo are you planning on living up here now" said gohan

"yeah i think so" answered piccolo "then ill come visit of its alright with you" said gohan "you now it is" said piccolo with a smile

"now don't be a stranger now gohan I'm counting on you to visit" said dende

"gosh dende" said gohan taking the namekian childs hands "it can be lonely at the top" said dende with a sad look "aww don't worry your gonna love it here" said gohan as he turned back to the others "well guys its time we get going" said gohan earning a nod from trunks krillin and yamcha

"here we go this is the beginning of the rest of our lives" said gohan as he flared his ki and shot off of the lookout with others following suit, when they reached corins tower they all waived them goodbye then each other then flew off their separate ways, when gohan got home he told his mother what happened during the final moments of the call games after he was done chichi was heart broken that her husband was gone for good this time and was on the floor crying

"come on mom please don't cry mom this is the way dad wanted it to be do please cheer up huh" said gohan trying to comfort his mother

a few hours later gohan found himself lying down on his bed with only a pair of shorts on, he was looking up at the celling with his arms behind his head thinking about todays events 'man what a day first the cell games then dads death and then i find out that half my DNA isn't human but an ultra i have a feeling my life just changed for the better or worse, oh well mine as well wait until tomorrow' thought gohan as he looked at the brace one more time before falling into a deep sleep all the while wondering what tomorrow might bring him

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