Chapter 2

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"I'm what?" asked a confused gohan as he looked up at the giant "ah yes perhaps an explanation is in order" said ginga earning a nod from the young half saiyan "ok but it may take awhile but i will try and keep it short" said ginga as he started to explain how he knew gohan and why he was here after he was done gohan was beyond shocked he was flabbergasted to know that the half of him wasn't human but half utlra a race that even the saiyans couldn't beat and the saiyans were said to be the most powerful race in the universe but boy were they wrong

As gohan was letting all the information sink in ginga broke the silence by saying "you mother sent me here so that i could lend you my power in hopes that you would be able to do what we couldn't and that is to free the universe from evil" " why me" said gohan as he got over his shocked state

"Because your soul and heart are full of light despite what you had to go through in your life you have the ability to protect this world from evil and darkness" said ginga

"Are you sure" said gohan which earned him a nod from the ultra worriors, gohan was in deep thought after what he just heard was he truly ready for such a big responsibility he's just 11 years old for crying out loud and can already turn into a ssj and beyond but if he can do that and protect the earth then he could sure as hell defend the universe

After a while of thinking gohan looked up to the Giants of light with fire in his eyes and said "ok I'll do it I promise to use your powers for good never evil and vow to protect this planet no the entire galaxy this I swear, with all my heart" he said earning a respectful nod from ginga "good now then it's time for you to inherit our powers" said ginga as he and the other ultramen put their hands up and prepared to give the young hybrid their powers, but before they could gohan interrupted them by saying "oh I almost forgot I don't even know the rest of your names or who the name of my real mother" he said as the ultras looked at each other and nodded, "we will tell you our names and hers as we give you our powers" said a blue and silver ultra

(This is going to go from the ultramans from the left to the right so if you want to know what they look like, look at the picture and if you want to you can look up their shows on YouTube if you want)

I am Ultraman Gaia
I am Ultraman Tiga
I am Ultraman Dyna
I am Ultraman Cosmos
I am Ultraman Ginga
I am Ultraman Victory
I am Ultraman Zero
I am Ultraman Mebius
I am Ultraman Max
I am Ultraman Nexus

As they introductions finished something on gohans left wrist began to take form, as the glowing died down, gohan looked down at his wrist and saw that it was some kind of bracelet or watch, before he could ask what is was zero beat him two it "that is the ultra fusion brace it will allow you to use all our powers, this way we'll always be with you no matter what" said zero as he gave a peace sign

"Because son gohan not only are you our precious comrade you are also one of us now never forget that" said mebius

"your not alone anymore never forget that" said max

"don't lose heart that life is not yours alone, now go and fight to the very end as both a saiyan and an ultra warrior" said victory as the other ultras nodded down at him

"arigato ultramen, i promise i will protect this planet to the best of my ability" said gohan earning a nod from his brothers as they started to disappear one by one until ginga and victory were the last ones, "see you and good luck and before i forget your real mothers ultra name is ultrawoman beth and her human name is son chichi" said ginga as him and victory started to disappear

"ok thank you and goodbye"said gohan as he waived goodbye earning a nod from the ultras as they disappeared 'wow moms an ultra huh who knew' he thought to himself, "alright lets do this!" said gohan as he held up his left arm vertically as the brace began to glow along with his body

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