Chapter 11

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"(POWER OF ULTRAMAN ZERO)" said a voice that came from the light forcing the android to cover his eyes until he heard gohans and someone else scream "ULTRA ZERO KICK!" he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mid section that scent him flying

When the android recovered and flew back to the spot to see who had hit him he was surprised to see the son of goku was still alive and he looked different

"What that's impossible how the hell are you alive boy you were fish food" snarled the android

"Sorry to disappoint but saiyans and ultras don't die so easily" said gohan

"G-gohan" said trunks as he struggled to get up

"stay down trunks you did well I'm proud of you but let me take care of this for now alright" said gohan turning his halfway to look down at his friend, before turning back to the android who was slowly advancing towards them

"things just got interesting,ok boy lets see what you can do with this kind of power" said the android smirking

"i'm through playing games android I'm ending this fight" said gohan as he got into his fighting stance

"i'd like to see you try boy" said the android

the two charge at each other, punch after punch kick after kick one would think they were equal in both power and speed, gohan then disappears and reappears behind the android slamming his fist into his back before disappearing and reappearing in front of the android and threw a ki blast into his face, the two kept disappearing and reappearing every time their attacks were blocked or dogged

Gohan soon reappears after getting sucker punched by the android 'damnit were is he can't track him' thought gohan as he looked around for 13 "well it's been fun kid!" Yelled the android from above gohan as he blasted a giant ki wave down at the young warrior, gohan got out of the way just in time but he wasn't fast enough to escape the androids death grip on his head "hahahaha!" the android laughed as he slammed gohan into the ground below

Black eyes opened as vegeta heard gohan scream in pain from the beating the android was giving him "brat don't you dare let that pile of scrap metal beat you, come on your stronger than this" said vegeta as he got up grabbing his arm that was rapidly bleeding and was broken

"Gohan" mutters trunks as he tries to get up

Gohan blocked a punch to the face which made him skid back a little before glaring at the android "well I'll say this you sure are persistent kid" said the android smirking "but sadly it's time to end this" he said as he charged at gohan after a second he let out a gasp as an arm tore through his stomach "impossible" he said as looked down at gohan who's hair eyebrows and gi were now all red

"Trust me it's possible" said gohan as he punched the android back into an icy wall and chased after him as the sounds of fist's pounding and 13 grunting in pain as he came out of the other side of the mountain in a beaten condition "how why?" Said the android holding his arm as gohan appeared infront of him

"You villains never really take true pride in your fighting skills it takes more than eyesight and a strong arm to be a warrior" said gohan (quick warning you may see this line again, now back to the story)

"You little brat" said 13 as he through a punch aimed for gohans face but the half saiyan caught it and swung the android around a couple of times before throwing him to the ground before disappearing and reappearing below him just seconds before he hit the ground and kicked him up in the air before landing on his feet and looking up as the android flew further up into the sky 'time to end this once and for all' though gohan as he turned back into his multi colored form and spun the roulette on the fusion brace and landed on nexus he then pressed the button on the brace "(POWER OF ULTRAMAN NEXUS)"

Gohan took nexus's fighting stance before crossing his arms downwards then placed both his arms infront of him then raised them up then out then put them in an L shape "OVER-RAY STORM!" both gohan and nexus said in Union as he fired the blast up in the air as the beam hit the android he yelled in pain before exploding into light particles before disappearing into the air 'i should have transformed from the start, my ultra powers made that too easy' he thought to himself

gohan's hair turned black as it losses its red and blue multi color along with his gi, he looked up to see piccolo coming his way with krillin slung over his shoulder "can you get him to the hospital i have something i need to take care of" said piccolo as he handed krillin to gohan

"and what would that be" said trunks as he walked next to gohan, piccolo didn't answer as he flew away, gohan and trunks looked at each other before shrugging

"man this sucks why am i the  only one who has to stay here" said krillin laying in his hospital bed

"well the doctors did you had a pretty nasty bruise on your gut so they just want to keep you here so that its doesn't get infected" said gohan trying to cheer his friend up 

the bald monk sighed and turned away "hey cheer up the nurse on duty is pretty cute" said trunks with a smile "gohan your ok thank goodness" said chichi glad to see that her son was ok and all he had was a bandage wrapped around his head "don't worry mom they didn't even lay a finger on me" said gohan

"really then why are your clothes all ripped up" said oolong who was sitting at the edge of killins hospital bed

"shut up" gohan muttered as the gang shred a laugh

faraway in the arctic piccolo and vegeta sat on opposite ends of an iceberg "is it over?" asked piccolo

"not until the fish jumps!" said vegeta, a fish jumps out of the water "its over" the prince replies

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