chapter 12

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3 months later

gohans injuries as well as everyone else's heald the half saiyan was glad it was glad to finally be realized from the hospital so that he could finally resume his training so that he could be ready for anything, but little did he know that one particular event would change his everyday life forever

The young warrior was outside doing pull ups on a tree branch, on his final pull up is when his mother called him for something, he jumped down and ran to his house and saw his mother waiting outside for him "what is it mom" asked gohan noticing the worried look on chichi's face "mom are you ok?" Said gohan

"Gohan sweetie I'm going to need you to listen to me very carefully, because what I'm about to tell you is going to be a lot to take in ok" said chichi earning a curious now from gohan

"gohan ultra father the supreme commander of the space garrison has called a meeting on m78 aka planet ultra and has called every ultra that is off world to come it is mandatory, however you are coming with me since you share some of my blood" said chichi, she then looked at gohan waiting for his response "wow" was all he could get out

"um when do we leave" he asked getting over his shocked state "either today or tomorrow, but i prefer that we leave today so that we can get back in time before anyone notices we're gone" said chichi

"um how i mean its not like we can ask bulma for a space ship and neither of us can breath in space so we can't fly there" said gohan thinking of a way to get to planet ultra, but what he didn't notice was the smirk that was on his mothers face

"gohan let me show you something" said chichi as she walked three feet away form gohan and turned to face him, then her eyes began to glow yellow then she was surrounded by a bright light that forced gohan to cover his eyes until it died down, thats when a quake happened out of nowhere that almost made gohan fall his feet, he looked up to see a giant red and silver humanoid being, with a slender figure that looked almost female looking down at him, the young half saiyan looked up at his mother in awe 'whoa, so this is moms ultra form huh it's amazing how big they are' thought gohan

Suddenly the female giant kneeled down towards him "mom is that you?" the giant nodded and said "yes this is my true form, ultrawoman Beth, I have to go to a meeting on my home planet so I have decided to take you with me, are you up for the trip" said Beth earning a nod from her son, chichi/Beth put her hand out infront of gohan, gohan got on the hand and was suddenly surrounded by a force field, "relax gohan this is just so you won't run out of air while we are in space"

When Beth stood up to full height she took off, gohan was amazed at how fast his mother was flying as they exited the planets atmosphere in a matter of seconds 'incredible, if I had noun mom could do all this before I would asked to fly me bulma and krillin to namek a long time ago, man the look on frieza's face would of been priceless' as soon they were a good distance away from earth, chichi put gohan on her shoulder, then put her hands near her color timer which was on her head and began to glow, along with her hands, she then put both her arms up horizontally as a blue light came from them an formed a bright blue portal

"What's that mom?" asked gohan

"It's a portal that we'll get us to the land of light faster, now hang on tight ok gohan" said chichi as she entered the ultra gate

Meanwhile on the land of light, in a giant and brilliant looking palace a meeting was about to begin, 12 ultras were in the meeting room that belonged to the leader of the space garrison ultra father along with him was his wife ultra mother who was the head nurse of the silver cross, zoffy was also there the ultra who was 2nd in command of the peace garrison, ultraman the first ultra to defend earth (before the events of the dragon ball saga), ultraman jack, ultraman ace the beam expert for the garrison and the adopted son of ultra father and ultra mother, ultraman taro birth son of ultra father and ultra mother, ultraman leo and his twin brother astra two of the last ultras of L-77, ultraman 80 a teacher on both the land of light and earth, and yullian, 80's childhood friend and princess of the land of light

they were all waiting patiently for ultrawoman beth to arrive, suddenly the doors to the room opened "your late beth" said ultra father "yeah what took you so lo-" , taro trailed of when he saw what was in beth's hand, a human boy all of the other ultras took notice of this to

gohan noticed all the red and silver giants looking at him and chichi 'wow their even bigger then a saiyans when they become great apes' gohan thought to himself as continued to look at the giants in awe, then one of the giants who seemed to have medals on his chest walked up to them and looked down at gohan "so this is him" said astra

"yes this my son, the one i told you about" said chichi as she and astra made their way to the other ultras

"good now that every ones here lets begin" said ultra father as the ultras started to talk about their current situation on in the universe

the meeting was a real discussion, they had discussed everything, on how a demon named demigra is causing the minus energy to effect the multiverse and making all the kaiju to become more vicious, more out of control, and right now they were figuring out a way on how to stop him before he could destroy the multiverse and everyone and everything in it, then ultra seven asked "but the only problem is that who are going to send to defeat demigra most of the ultras here are to young and inexperienced to handle this, and ginga and the rest are still out on missions"

"i believe i can decide that for you!" a voice said from behind them

the ultras turned to see the source of the voice "ultraman king!" said ultra father surprising gohan a little 'so the ultras also had a king to rule their planet, just like the saiyans' thought gohan

"grand father what do you mean you have found someone to defend the multiverse" asked zoffy

"simpel, the one who well become a multiverse traveler and defend it will be son gohan" said ultraman king pointing at the half ultra, the ultras especially gohan and chichi were shocked "wait me?"

"impossible he is just a child there is no way he can take on that kind of responsibility" said beth "its just fate beth and plus your child has the ultra fusion brace with him, and top it all off he has the half the blood of a saiyan in him so he will be fine" said ultraman king, beth was about to argue but gohan cut her off "mom it's ok I'm strong enough me you and dad know it, i can take care of my self" said gohan "when do i leave"

"after your training is done, you can't fight an enemy thats stronger then you, even if you were trained at a young age and by a namekian no doubt" said ultraman king shocking gohan "don't look so surprised young warrior, i have been watching you a long long time"

"ok, thats a little creepy but anyways when do i start my training i hope its soon" said gohan excited

"first things first, you'll need an ultra form if you want to survive here" said ultraman king as he held his hands out then the two rubies on his torso began to glow as two beams of light that hit the fusion brace on his left wrist, suddenly he was levitated off his mothers hand as his body was covered in a bright light, about a minute or so later gohan opened his eyes and saw he was now the same hight as ultraman king and the other ultras, he looked at his hands, they were sliver had what looked like v shaped blue crystals on his arms ankles and shoulders and chest but the canter of them was still gold he also had a long one on his head, he still had the ultra fusion brace on his left wrist, he had star marks on his head and his body changed to resemble that of victory and he had his color timer in the middle of his chest

he looked at a green clear wall and saw his reflection he saw that his head was that of an ultraman but   but his eyes were glowing and he didn't have any pupils, gohan felt a surge of power in him that he couldn't explain, but man did it feel good, chichi came up to gohan and put her hand on his shoulder drawing his attention to her "what would you like your ultra name to be" she asked

gohan thought about it and remembered the other half of his DNA "saiyan, ultraman saiyan"

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