Chapter 8

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Gohan stared in shock at his mother he couldn't believe it he was going to have a baby brother or sister a new addition to the family but in away he felt sad that the child wouldn't be able to get to meet his/her father like he did, he got up from the table and walked closer to his mother a and hugged her "mom that's amazing you'll have another kid and I won't be an only child anymore"

"Gohan" said chichi as she hugged her boy "thank you I only wish you father was here when I gave you the good news, it's getting late go and wash up and get some rest, we're going to the mall tomorrow cause we're low on food and our clothes are shrinking on us" chichi said earning a nod from gohan as he went up stairs, a few minutes later gohan found himself in his room watching TV he switched from channel to channel until a picture of mr satan came into view, apparently he was being interviewed about his fight with cell gohan just rolled his eyes and turned of the tv and went to sleep unaware of the type of enemy that would befall him and his friends

A few hours later gohan (who was dressed in the same fighting gi as goku) chichi and the ox King were walking around to mall carrying bags (gohan and ox King) full of clothes and shoes, they walked around for a half hour until gohan felt 4 familiar ki's 'that's weird what are they doing here" he thought to himself "Gohan stop daydreaming!!" chichi yelled getting the young boys attention, he looked up just in time to catch the boxes that were thrown on top of the pile he was carrying, he lucky caught all of them if he wasn't half saiyan the would of fallen on his head "nice reflexes gohan" commented his grandfather "thanks" said gohan as he sighed hoping they were done

A few hours later after picking out gohans new clothes much to his embarrassment the son family met up with trunks master roshi oolong and krillin

Meanwhile in the city, a loud explosion was heard catching the civilians attention two odd looking people could be seen throughout the destruction, one was a short purple looking man with sunglasses on and was dressed in a bright colored orange jacket, blue pants, and a green hat he also had a red ribbon on his neck that had RR on it. The other guys skin tone was completely white and he wore green pants, on his waist was a red symbol that had RR on it, he had a brown slash going diagonally downward on his muscle torso, his black hair was tied in a braid and cold eyes starred forward as the two ignored the civilians "is this the place?" The bigger guys asked as they stared at the giant mall

"I don't know let me check" the small purple guy said opening his scanner program he can detect the highest power level on the planet as well as a fewer weaker ones "yeah that's the place" the purple guy says in a smooth tone

In a restaurant part of the mall gohan was going through food like he hadn't eaten in days as chichi sighs "so how'd you guys figure out that the pageant was tomorrow" Gohan asks before drinking his soda, the bald monk slid down in his chair "well the fact is that we were the only ones in line and the show was suppose to start in five minutes" said krillin in an annoyed tone

Trunks was casually sipping his coffee while oolong was scarfing down as much food as possible "I swear your turning into a many goku" chichi mutters wondering how the young fighter could eat that much 'I swear I'm nervous about having another kid' chichi thought to herself as she is nearly a month into the pregnancy and can't help but wonder if her next son/daughter would eat just as much

Suddenly the items on the table began to shake as does the room "what in the?" Trunks says as he looks up 'either I've had to much coffee or this is an earthquake' the saiyan youth thought to himself as he continued to look around the room seeing that most of the people were panicking, eyes widening gohan jumps to his startling his mother as the tables and people start floating he turn his head towards trunks and krillin "trunks krillin get everybody out now!" He screams

The room explodes into chaos as gohan teleports around the room making sure to grab everybody including his mother and grandfather, not wasting anytime he blasted himself a way out carrying numerous amounts of people behind him were trunks and krillin carry the same amount of people, he quickly rushes to the ground and gently lets the people down and then flys back up to the building where the smoke was coming from

"What a terrible mess, that was no ordinary bomb that was an energy blast" muttered gohan as he looked at the damaged building, he tried to sense for a power level but had no luck finding one 'don't tell me we're dealing with androids again' the half ultra thinks to himself, he suddenly spots a glow and flys back "trunks krillin get those people to safety" gohan ordered knowing that he was going to have a fight on his hands 'alright come and get me!' gohan mentally yells as two energy blasts fire after him

Quickly he flies off dogging the two blasts, after dogging the blast gohan spots two figures flying out of the smoke he quickly flies away from the destroyed building and sees the two following him 'why are they after me' thought gohan as he tried to get away from any nearby pedestrians "alright who are you two and what are you doing here" gohan said as he stopped

The purple guy reaches into his pocket and takes out a flacks containing whisky he takes a gulp of it and puts it back into his packet and smirks at gohan

Looking closer gohan saw that they wire the symbols RR on them 'red ribbon huh dr gero just doesn't know when to quit dose he even from the grave' gohan thinks to himself well now I know why I can't sense your energy now you two aren't made of flesh and blood like I am" said gohan as he got ready to fight

"Well I guess I was wrong you ain't goku why don't you tell me were he is and nobody gets hurt" said the android threatening the young saiyan "no" was all gohan said as his white aura appears around him "you see goku is no longer among the living but if you want a fight then I'm more then happy to take my fathers place" gohan said with a smirk

"His son huh well that's fine we'll settle with you I guess" the purple man said as he fired a ki blast which gohan dated with relative ease, the big man then charges at gohan and engages in a series of punches and kicks, the young warrior doges a kick to the head and punches the android but it was unaffected 'what?!' Gohan thought to himself as he he dodged the oddly colored mans punch and looks behind him only to get punched in the face by the purple android that sent him flying into the roof of a building destroying it in the process

When gohan got up he glared at the two androids 'tougher than I thought'  thought gohan as flew away from the damaged building as he turns and twists through the buildings, through his peripherals gohan could see one of the androids following him 'damn' he increase his speed and heads upwards only to be caught of by the big android,gohan then disappears and reappears and kicks the android in the skill knocking him into a top of a building and ki blasting him making sure he stays down, turning around he sees another ki blast coming towards him "crap!" he yells as he puts his arms up ready to defend

Seeing that his friend is in trouble trunks rushes forward with an energy ball in his hand, he then throws it at the androids blast cutting of its attack "who's blasting my blast?!" The little guy demanded in irritation "get away from him" said trunks as he flew towards the androids only robe kicked in the gut by the purple android which made back up a little but trunks countered it with a ki blast which the android easily dogged and fired his own ki blast "hey gohan we need to led them away from here at this rate we'll bring the whole city down" said trunks as he continued to dogge the little androids blasts

"Got it lets go" said gohan as he kicked the muscular android away and flew away from the city with trunks and the androids following "man there's my day at the mall" said krillin as he flares his aura and flies after the gohan and trunks 'hang on guys I'm on my way'

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