Hetero: The eighth straw.

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We remained in hiding for a week, by then everyone had realised that what had been said was the truth.

My mothers had disowned me, Axel's parents hadn't.

Why, you ask?

They too were heterosexual. But had kept it in secret.

Relationships like ours were never, nor had they ever been, accepted. Why should they be? We were different. And being different never bode well with society and its rules. It was as though we were all given a handbook at birth, one that told us who we were, where we belonged, what was right and what was wrong.

Society was always right.

Society was never wrong.

Society knew better.

Who was this society? Parents? Teachers? Children? The government?

Who was society and why did it rain despair everywhere it went? Why did it judge? Why did it corrupt? Why did it outcast?

What was so wrong with people that they felt that they should be controlled by an invisible source, one which was simply fake and created others like it.

Society wanted the perfect person, but nobody was every enough.

We were always too fat. Too skinny. Too tall. Too small. Too shy. Too confident. Too sober. Too high. Too right. Too wrong. Too there. Too gone.

Society had its standards, but so did we. And somehow, society always managed to overthrow us--well, most of us.

That's why Axel didn't care. He had not yet been overthrown by society. Nor me. But his family held generations which secretly defied this unspoken rule. My family, however, did not.

Which is why I when I arrived home to collect my things from the people who had disowned me, I discovered I had no where to go.

Axel's corpse on my bedspread told me so.

But the words written in his blood on my wall were much more prominent.


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