Twisted Fate

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Twisted Fate

By: Dani Loving

She's running.

The girl with my face, my circular head, my golden dark skin, my pout lips and pointy nose, and my vibrant eyes. It was like looking in a mirror, except she didn't have hazel eyes like mine. Her eyes were a lifeless brown and her skin was covered in bruises from years of torture. The rags she wears barely hides the taut skin that cover her legs and ribs. Her naturally curly brown hair is tangled and matted to her head with blood and sweat. Every time she scrapes her knees, steps on rocks with her bare feet, or her stomach protests with hunger pains I feel it. The adrenaline she's feeling as she runs away from her captive prevent her from feeling it, but I feel everything. She's screaming, and crying for help, but no one comes. Tears stream her angelic face as she runs from the monster that hides deep in the trees. A claw comes out and scratches her; the girl screams and runs as fast as her legs can take her. Her lungs are burning; her feet are sore but she continues to run through the forest. She's almost there; the clearing of the forest is just a couple of yards away. Even though her muscles are screaming, she's weak from malnutrition, and her lungs are aflame, she keeps running. She's is mere inches from freedom, she's never gotten this far before, she's never been this close to freedom. She's so close to finding him! She looks back to see where the demon is hiding, but that's were she makes her mistake. She trips on the uneven earth and crashes to the ground. She's not going to make it! She tries to get up but she's too weak, and no one is around to help her. She looks directly at me as she hears the howl of the monster.

"Help me!" She cries. Everything goes dark as the creature lures into the picture. He growls at the girl, and then he lunges.

I fall face first out my bed, landing with a silent thump on the floor.


The blanket I was wrapped up in broke my fall; it didn't hurt at all compared to the time I had tile floors- now that was painful. My alarm clock kept going off, no matter how many times I told it to shut up. I don't feel like getting up, my floor is so comfortable, but it's really hard to enjoy since my stupid alarm clock keeps screaming at me.

"Hazel! Hazel, do you not hear the alarm clock?" My annoying twin sister said, pressing the snooze button on my alarm. She just got out of the shower, she has a towel wrapped around her and ringlets of water are dropping from her hair, onto my carpet.

"No," I said giving her a look that could kill.

"Get up; we have to go to school." She nudges me with her wet feet.

I growl at her, "No," I said covering my face with my sheets.

"Fine," she says, stomping off.

I close my eyes and slowly begin to fall into a light sleep. The thoughts of being late to school don't bother me the least. I'm in a light lucid dream when ice cold water comes in contact with my face.

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to kill you!" I scream jumping up and turning an accusing glare at my twin sister and the empty pitcher she has in her hand. I take off running after her.

Vivian is faster than me; her long legs give her an even bigger advantage. But I'm not worried about that now; all I wish is to pull all of her perfect strands of hair out!

"Let's see how pretty you are balled!" I scream at her as we make our way down stairs. I almost stumble going down the last step, but quickly recover. As we make our way into the kitchen- me trying to latch onto her beautiful light brown hair, our mom smiles at us.

"Mom, she poured cold water on me!"

"I have to be at cheerleading practice at 6:00 and you're supposed to be driving me since my car is in the shop!" She shouts, walking towards the refrigerator and pouring her a glass of orange juice very diva-like.

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