The princess of darkness

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This is my first fanfic so please be nice :)


I am aiming to follow the Harry Potter movies with this story, but there are some different things happening in this story to fit my storyline, including people being alive or dead when they are the opposite in the original story. If anything confuses you then send me a private message and I will try to explain it best as I can.


“How is she?” A drone was heard as a dark figure stepped in through a doorway into a lavishly decorated bedroom. In the room was a main double bed with a beautiful young woman sleeping in it. Despite the dark circles under her eyes, she was beautiful, with dark, curly brown hair, with warm brown eyes to match. Next to the window, quite close to the bed, was a crib with a baby, a tuft of hair that looked identical to her mother’s. The baby’s eyes were also brown but this was not seen as the baby was also sleeping.

“She is fine Severus.” Another man with dark hair and dark eyes replied from the room. The men spoke quietly, so as to not wake up the sleeping woman and baby.

“And the child?”

“Alive. I have a daughter. They thought she wasn’t going to survive.” A tone of sadness was heard in his voice. He drew himself up. “Severus as her godfather you are to look out for her. When she goes to Hogwarts, you will watch over her.”

“But my Lord…” Severus protested.

“Do not disobey me Severus. Do as I say.” Severus didn’t reply for a long while.

“I will look after her.” The other man smiled.


Hermione’s POV

“Miooooone! It’s your birthday! Wake up lazy!” Hermione’s strange dream came to a sudden end as Ginny Weasley jumped on top of her.

“Ginny! Get off me! What’s the time? It’s not even light out.”

“About 5am.” Ginny giggled deviously just as Hermione launched herself at her best friend. Ginny yelped as she was held down on the bed, her giggles turning into loud laughs, only muffled by the duvet on the bed. “You’re so mean to me!” She managed to pull herself up and calm her laughing down.

“You woke me up at an ungodly hour. I cannot be responsible for anything before 7am.”

“As I recall, you used to be up at 6am ready for lessons in your first couple of years Hermione.” Ginny chuckled out. Hermione blushed. “Anyway I have something to give you.” She leapt up and pulled out a small box from under her bed. “Happy birthday Hermione.” A light switched on in Hermione’s head. It was her birthday! She opened the box quickly and gasped at the simple gold charm bracelet that sat in the box. Ginny helped her put it on and smiled. “It suits you, I’m glad.”

“It’s beautiful Ginny. It really is. I love it.” She hugged her best friend and yawned tiredly. “We should probably sleep though. I’ll definitely be showing it off to everyone at breakfast.


“Hermione? You’re going to be late for breakfast.” Hermione’s eyes jerked open to see Lavender Brown’s face peering at her. They hadn’t really spoken much since their time together at Hogwarts, but Lavender spent a lot of her time with Parvati Patil and the two of them together were the biggest gossip queens in the whole school. Hermione preferred to stay away from gossip.

“What time is it” She asked sleepily, rubbing sleep from her eyes. The early morning wake up had really taken it out of her.

 “8:30am. Hurry, or you’ll miss breakfast!” She smiled and moved over to Ginny’s bed, rousing the redhead from her sleep. The girl grumbled but got out of bed as Lavender skipped over to the door. “By the way, Happy Birthday Mione.”


So what do you think? Bit of a short chapter for the first one, but they will get longer. please comment and tell me what it's like. thanks :) Becca x

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