Chapter 11

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Hey guys!! Sorry its been a while since I last updated. I didnt really have access to the internet. But here's a cool (I hope) chappie and I hope you like the way I wrote it!!


Chapter 11


I was resting in my cot when I was woken up by Ben." Hey Em its time for our shift. Do you think you can handle it on your leg? If you cant I can just let Captain Weaver know." He asked." No I think I'll be fine." I said as I stood up and walked over to the mirror to put my hair back in a braid. When I finished Ben walked over to me and helped me walk.

When we reached the roof we relieved the soldiers that had had the previous shift. They smiled at us and then they said something to Ben that made him blush. I smirked and then walked over to the end and focused my eyes on the perimeter. Ben sneaked up behind me and gave me a hug. I smiled, but I kept looking towards the street. He started kissing my neck and was massaging my neck." Ben, I dont think thats a good idea. I made up the excuse that Hal distracts me just so I could get this shift with you. It does no good if you distract me." I explained." Okay. I'm really bummed out now, but I understand." He said sounding upset. Just as I was turning around to tell him something I heard the moan of Mechs. I turned my attention back to my perimeter. It was a whole Bunch of them. I pulled out my walkie talkie. " Uh Captain Weaver I need back up in block 7 a whole swarm of Mechs are coming right at us. Over. Also just make sure the other blocks are secure who knows how many more will show up and where. Over." I said into the mic." Alright soldier back up is on the way and thanks for the percautions. Over." He responded.

Just as I was about to set down the walkie talkie I looked up to also see a big swarm of skitters. I pressed down the button." Sir there's a problem! I might need more back up than I thought more swarms of skitters and Mechs are beginning to show. Over. And Sir. Hurry. Over." I said. I dropped the walkie talkie carelessly and Ben stood by my side waiting for the swarms to get closer. When they were finally in shooting range we took fire and started shooting them down. Men showed up with the special Amo to take down the Mechs while more men showed up to kill Skitters. The fighting was done over in only a matter of minutes. I spotted a lone Skitter trying to make it by and I set my aim on it. When I had it in my sights it turned to me and headed towards me with claws raised I shot at it quickly, but it easily got on top of me and was ready to kill me,until I managed to shoot its head.

Well I didn't shoot it's head. Hal did.


I was walking around camp when I got called to block 7 for back up. I rushed over only to see Emmeline on the floor with a skitter on top of her. She was only shooting blindly cause she had no choice. I panicked and aimed at the skitters head. And just as its claw was about to come crashing down on her head. I pulled the triger making the skitter fall over. Dead. She looked up at me and I angirly walked away. She couldn't find out. She just could-- or maybe she could.


I know I know its a little short , But i dont really have enough time to write my usual long paragraphs but I promise Ill try to make the next one longer and better if you didnt really like the chappie[:

Dont be shy and COMMENT what you think about this chapter or about all that you've read I'll greatly appreciate it!




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