Chapter 1

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Heyy guys!! Sorry if you were expecting recent updates being my first book and all but ive been busy recently with my softball life and such[: and then 4th of july being yesterday! Well here is more to my story[: 10 reads! haha and 2 votes it might not seem like a lot but it means alot to me please keep spreading the word about my story Thanks!!



Chapter 1


I was seriously down to the conclusion that there was a random war starting. I got up quickly and lost my balance only to bump into a family of a man, woman and three sons. I looked at the man and he seemed to have a face of a genius." Is everything alright?" He asked." I'm pretty sure bomb sounds and random explosions are a sign of something good." I spoke sarcastically." Did you see anything unusual?" He asked." Yeah well sort of I was just helping a lady out of her car which she was having troubles with when I got her settled down the sky randomly darkened that's when something exploded and I threw myself onto the ground." I explained.

" What's your name young lady?" He asked." Your nothing but a man with questions! I'm Emmeline." I said giving in." That was very brave of you." He said in a heroic voice." Don't waste your time talking to me you have better things to do by leaving this place and finding a new one to settle in." And with that I walked away leaving him in total silence when I noticed something hanging on a light post, it seemed to be glowing. I slowly walked near it and then quickly walked back the way I came." Whoever you are you better get your family out of here!!" I yelled as I turned around and started running to find cover. I looked up at the sky which had darkened as if there were to be storm. Yet there were little floating lights descending from it. The man held me by my arm." Where are your parents?" He asked." I don't know they left this morning to some convention 30 minutes from here." I said." Do you have anywhere to go?" He asked." There you go again with the questions!!" I said putting my hands up in the air. He gave me a look of annoyance." Yes question guy I have a place to go its called my house!" I said. I was starting to freak out. Literally freak out." You cant go back there alone." He said." I would of invited you to my house already, but my parents told me never to let strangers in the house." I said. I looked down to his hand gripping my arm." Is there any way that you can change your mind?

My car broke down I think everybody's did so please just enough for me to see what's wrong with it and keep my family safe inside." He pleaded." Question guy man whatever I'm going to need to know your name before I let you anywhere near where I live." I said looking up at him." My name is Tom Mason." He said finally letting go of my arm." Well where's your car?" I asked." Two miles down I'm planning on going and checking it out while my family keeps safe at your home." He explained. Okay my life just got interesting and that's not always a good thing for me." Fine on one condition, if and when you fix your car can you take me to my parents?" I asked." Yes of course its the least I could do." He agreed. Wow." Okay well my house is only down this street and you turn right on the first intersection then its the last house on the left." I told him. He nodded and then passionately kissed his wife as if it were goodbye. I looked down to the ground. When we went our separate ways and we reached my house I reached into the flower pot and took out the extra key. I walked them into the living room and let them sit down on the couch." Thank you young girl we owe you a lifetime." The woman said." No problem, but I can assure you that if my parents are dead I'll have nowhere to go and I'll probably starve to death or maybe steal food from other people. Sorry I'm rambling again I tend to do that." I said shyly." It's okay everything is going to be fine I'm sure." The lady said. I nodded." Do you guys want something to drink or a snack maybe?" I asked getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen." No were fine thank you." The lady repeated. There was a loud bomb noise and I was blown back against the wall. I opened my eyes to see blurry images and objects. I slowly and shakily stood up and turned to the family. They had crouched down and were covering their ears.

 I walked over and tapped on the ladies shoulder. She looked up at me and covered her mouth. I walked to a mirror and I saw two large cuts on my face one above my eyebrow and one across my cheek. I looked back at the lady and her family." I'll be fine okay we have to get down to the cellar its the only place where we wont get hurt I'm sure of it." I said rushing to a closet where we have an emergency kit. I led them down the stairs and I turned on the little lamp and there was something I surely didn't expect.


ooooo!! Cliff hanger!

What do you expect I gotta keep your interest in my story dont I? Haha well hope you enjoyed this short chapter.. was it a short chapter? I think it is well please comment your opinions and keep reading!!

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