Louis What's Wrong

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(Harry walks in Louis room with his build a bear in his hand it was 9 in the morning and he was hungry and bored)

Harry: hey Lou

Louis: leave me alone Haz

Harry: but I want to hang out with you I'm bored and hungry

Louis: do you want a nice long spanking Harold?

Harry: no but I didn't...

Louis: I don't want to hear either leave or you will have a hard time sitting down

Harry: your on your period, you need to learn to not be to not be so mean to me I didn't do anything to you

Louis: you need to learn not to be idiot and not to bother me

Harry: (was so angry he ripped the head of the build a bear and throw it at Louis hard)

Louis: oww you jerk

Harry: maybe so but at least I'm not asshole like you

Louis: oh that's it (grabs his arm and pulls him over his knees he finds a strap under his bed and starts whipping Harry's butt 100 times , 20 minutes later he finally stopped)

Harry: (gets off Louis lap forgetting he own a pair of boxers, he dashes out of his and accidentally runs into Zayn

Zayn: wooh kiddo (catches him) what's up booger? (Notices Harry's face strained with tears)

Harry: not... My... Fault... Louis... (Gasps for air)

Zayn: ok first off mister you need to calm your breathing

Harry: (calms down a little)

Zayn: ok so what happened

Harry: Louis he spanked me because I was annoying and all I wanted to do was hang out with him (cries fully into Zayn's shirt)

Zayn: shh baby your alright (rubs his curls) ok umm let's go get some cream for your bottom it looks awful

Harry: I didn't deserve it. I cussed at him because I was mad (was blubbering)

Zayn: I know baby it's ok (takes him into his room and lays him on the bed and rubs the cream on his bottom)

Harry: ahh cold

Zayn: (rubs his back) I know baby I'll be right back (kisses his face and than walks into Louis room) ok what the hell happened

Louis: first off don't cuss at me and second look at what this boy did (shows Zayn the toy)

Zayn: I get it he was angry but you had attitude earlier when we were talking downstairs. What's up?

Louis: nothing leave me alone!

Zayn: ok I'm done with this (sits on the bed and pulls Louis over his knees giving him 50 with his hand)

Louis: ok, ok I will tell you

Zayn: do tell

Louis: my girlfriend broke up with me yesterday

Zayn: (stops spanking him and pulls him into a hug) oh my gosh I'm soo sorry

Louis: no I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Hazza! (Runs into Zayn's room and sees Harry bawling his eyes out) oh my gosh my poor baby I'm sorry soo sorry please forgive me please (pulls him on lap and kisses his head repeatedly)

Harry: I forgive you Boobear and I'm sorry for bothering you

Louis: no you didn't bother me you just wanted to spend time with me I got frustrated because my girlfriend broke up with me (starts crying)

Harry: aww Boo (hugs him tighlty)

Louis: I love you Hazza so much (talks through his tears)

Harry: I love you more

Louis: (chuckles) I love you most

(Both continue to hug each other)

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