Won't Talk, Won't Listen

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(The next day Harry woke up around 10:30 he walked out of Liam's room into the kitchen and sees all the members)

Louis: Hey Hazza (was behind the counter cooking eggs)

Harry: (just glared at him and walked away) hey Niall! (Sees him on the couch and sits beside him)

Niall: oh hi Harry

Harry: (looks back and smirks at Louis and than continues watching spongebob with Niall)

Louis: (was shocked)

Zayn: (whispers to Louis) don't worry Lou I'm sure he doesn't hate you, we will think of something

(The whole day Harry still did not talk to Louis if Louis talked to him Harry would walk away or go see Niall and hang with him)

Liam: (has had it he storms up Harry when Niall and Harry were in the middle of doing a jigsaw puzzle in the living room he picks him up by his arm and delivered 3 hard smacks)

Harry: (whimpers and once Liam turned him to face him his face was scrunched up)

Liam: I told you mister to talk to Louis all day and its 12 in the morning and you still haven't talked to him, come with me (drags Harry's arm and puts in front of Louis) ok talk you two

Harry: (just glares at Louis)

Louis: I'm sorry Harry that I embarrass you at the zoo do you forgive me

Harry: (just glares at Louis and talks coldly) no I don't forgive you, I freaking hate you and I will never ever, ever forgive you. (Runs upstairs and slams his door shut)

Louis: (looked almost in tears, what happened to his Baby Hazza)

Liam: Lou what happened at the zoo

Louis: (had a tear trickle down his face and he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand) well all was doing was asking for attention and I wasn't going to give it to him even though he's the youngest doesn't mean he needs all the attention

Liam: well he is your baby

Louis: was my baby not anymore

Liam: maybe I will go...

Zayn: (interrupts him) no I will go talk to him (runs up in Harry's room and opens the door he saw Harry crying on the bed into the pillow, Zayn runs over to him and rubs his back) it's ok love everything will be alright

Harry: no it won't, can I sit on your lap

Zayn: (smiles slightly) sure baby cakes (sits on the bed and Harry climbs on his lap)

Harry: (had tears coming out of his eyes and Zayn wiped them away with his thumb)

Zayn: no more crying love everything will be ok

Harry: (snuggles in Zayn and whispers) I love you Zayn unlike some people who live with us (he fell asleep)

Zayn: (doesn't respond except for a kiss on the forehead)

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