Reading Is An Addiction

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Niall: (was reading his sixth book in a row he couldn't put it down no matter what, he walks downstairs and Zayn was talking to him)

Zayn: Niall (pokes him) Niall (yells) Niall!

Niall: what? What! Oh hi Zayn (continues reading)

Zayn: (grabs the book out his hands)

Niall: hey!

Zayn: Niall I just need your help and than you can have your book back

Niall: ugg what

Zayn: first drop the attitude and second can you set the table for me

Niall: can't you do it

Zayn: I still have to cook the chicken and all I'm asking is for you to help me

Niall: fine (mumbles) asshole

Zayn: (grabs the metal spoon and spanks him and than puts it down) what was that?

Niall: (flinches) I love you Zayn

Zayn: silly goose

Niall: whatever (sets the table quickly) done can I have my book back

Zayn: wow... Umm sure (hands him his book back and Niall darts upstairs)

Louis: (comes out of the room with Harry on his back)

Harry: do you need any help cooking anything

Zayn: no thanks baby cakes but there is a $20 dollar bill in my wallet why don't you and Lou go to the gas station and pick something up for the both of you

Louis: thanks Z

Zayn: oh and Harold

Harry: (flinches thinks he's in trouble) yes...

Zayn: I'm proud of you your always asking for help unlike some people

Louis: you mean Niall

Zayn: shh don't tell Liam

Liam: (walks down the stairs) don't tell me what

Harry: were going to the gas station to pick up junk food

Liam: haha no your not

Harry: (gets off Louis back) aww but Li

Liam: dinner is 15 minutes and did you guys... (Looks at the table) oh you already did set the table. After dinner you can go ok?

Harry: this isn't fair (stomps his foot)

Louis: Harold stop it

Harry: no! Liam is being stupid

Zayn: No Liam knows what's best

Harry: no he's being a dick

Louis: why don't you go stand in corner until you know not to call people names

Harry: but Boo

Louis: now (points to the corner)

Harry: (mumbles) dickhead

Louis: (spanks him hard) excuse me want to repeat that

Harry: (shakes his head no)

Louis: than I suggest you get your butt in the corner until dinner is ready

Harry: (goes to the corner and stands there)

(Fifteen minutes later dinner is ready)

Liam: I will go get Niall (runs upstairs)

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